View Full Version : Drone Wars, adventures in Plywood Aquisition at the BORG

Ned Bulken
09-30-2004, 1:46 AM
The LOML finally has been making noises about kitchen remodeling, quiet ones, but noises nonetheless. I decided that today would be a good day to go pick up a couple of sheets of plywood and start on the first of many kitchen cabinets I'm going to build. This will be a Pantry Unit, built in top and bottom halves so I can get it in the house without too much fuss.
I decided to go with birch ply with maple doors, the LOML wants a light kitchen, but I can't swing full on maple ply for the carcasses. :)
Anyway, back to the BORG.

I grab a plywood cart, the one with the three upright sections, and head for the appropriate aisle.
Orange 'temporarily closed' sign across the whole aisle, but no sign of the requisite forklift :confused: . Ahh, he's in the next aisle over, and headed this way. No biggee, today is 'Sunday' on my weekend from work, so I have time available. The time is now just about 11:30. He lets himself into the aisle (the other end wasn't blocked off, so a guy was shopping down there, which greatly amused the growing crowd of plywood shoppers with me.
He chases the shopper out of the aisle and starts moving several piles of underlayment, consolidating a couple of lesser piles into one larger one. As he is doing this, a guy dashes up, lets himself into the aisle and approaches the operation. :mad:
This turns into at least a 20 minute operation, including getting the consolidated pile thinned down a bit, (he spent five minutes getting the stack out, after it got stuck the first attempt). He ruined several sheets of that product, plus there was a sheet of 1/4" something which wound up bent nearly in half, splinters flying every which way. (made me glad I was 30' away. about this time a Third drone approaches, and amongst the three of them, they manage to get the stack put away. Then the excitable 2nd drone, proceeds to start pulling other product for a contractor order, but won't open up the aisle for us other customers. I left my cart there and went to peruse the tool crib.
when they finally opened up the aisle, there was a mad rush, which I let disperse, then went and picked my two sheets of ply. Somewhere in mid pick two more drones approach, (drones 4 and 5) seems they need the forklift, but drone 1 isn't finished, so I now have to pull my cart out of the aisle, so he can drive a stack of 20 or so sheets of ply out of the aisle and down to the front for drone2. At least drones 4 and 5 scurried to help when my cart rolled away as I"m trying to put the plywood on it. :rolleyes:

I go looking for someone to cut down the ply for me, just rough cuts, so I can put it in the van, without removing the seats.
insert sounds of crickets chirping here
no less than 5 drones had transported themselves out of the area. eventually drone 3 reappears, looking somewhat harried, with drone 2 not far behind, with a gal who wants two sheets of ply cut longitudinally into 6" strips.
I bide my time, playing a game on my cell phone as drone 3 passes the gal off to drone 6! He at least is efficient, and gets the job done in short order. I then ask him to help, and he cuts down my sheets for me as requested. :rolleyes:

I check my cellphone (don't wear a watch anymore, for some reason), and am shocked to see it is 1pm by the time I check out and load up the van. *sigh* so much for lunch at home, I grabbed a McBurger and headed for the shop, arriving by 2, once I had dealt with traffic etc...

the two sheets, plus one I had in the shop already are all cut down now, and I'm home the night, need to do a plans and adimensional check with the LOML. "Honey, just how tall do you want the space for the microwave?" etc...

This cabinet this is replacing a prefab thing from her ex hubby, and I can't wait to get rid of the particle board POS. My cabinet will be good and solid, 3/4 Birch ply throughout, planning on maple edging for the shelf fronts and a maple faceframe and doors too. Overall dimensions, 80" tall, 20" deep and 36" wide.

oh, I had some pretty nice scrap ply left over, nothing huge, but enough that just before I left the shop I whipped up a rolling cart for under the right wing of my tablesaw. Total scrap project, dimensions determined by what was available, in this case it is 20" wide, by about a foot deep, with a shelf on top that is 15" deep. Sturdy little beast, all 3/4 birch, with HF wheels. somwhere I saw a pretty slick cabinet where the blades were stored vertically on slide out panels, I need to search for that thread, it was someone's cabinet here I believe, within the past couple of months, Terry maybe? I'll put pics up once I get the digital camera from John.

Kirk (KC) Constable
09-30-2004, 3:51 AM
You got any real lumber places in Syracuse? I buy sheet goods from the BORGS only as a last resort...


Frank Pellow
09-30-2004, 6:32 AM
Ned, thanks for anther good early morning read.

Gredo Goldenstein
09-30-2004, 8:14 AM
I end up going to the Orange Borg on a regular basis for work. People wonder why I dread going there. It isn't just wood thats a PIA to buy there. Actually there is a nicer lumber yard thats closer but you do pay a premium for it. If all I need is lumber I go there. If I end up having to pick up multiple things, to the Borg I go.

Dan Gill
09-30-2004, 9:34 AM
It's funny, but this kind of day seems to run in cycles at one Borg near me, while at another I get pretty quick service.

Are you using their $29 - $30 Maple/Birch ply? I am just finishing up a complete kitchen remodel with that stuff. To be honest, I think it looks better than the grade (D/D). My cabs are oak fronts, but the carcasses are the maple/birch. I like the look, and I saved about $200 over oak from my local supplier.

I also built a bath vanity out of the maple/birch, with maple fronts. Here's a pic:

Scott Coffelt
09-30-2004, 9:56 AM
That sounds like the typical experience I get when needing to get lumber from them. I have a good yard I like to go to, but on Saturdays they close by noon so it does't always work out for me.

My last experience like this was for cedar fence I did for a client. I needed 4x4x10' for posts. They had about 20 pieces good enough for a rocking chair, but not for a post. I asked for help in getting a new bundle down. Dude calls for forklift. After 20 minutes I see one coming my way and think not bad, dude2 drives right by to next isle (which they block off my isle and ask me to move). Think, OK I'm next.... Nope dude2 drives out the front door with load, 30 minutes later nothing. Hey here is dude2 and and dude3 coming in, what's that someone new walking in with them. They stop and get down a bunch (i mean three or four different stacks). I am next... nope they drive back out front empty). See dude2 and dude3 walk back in with no lift.

I chase them dowwn and ask them for the second time for help (BTW, also said I had asked for help over an hour before). Oh, we thought you were the first guy..... geeees.

They finally proceed to the pile, and then ask me why won't these work (keep in mind I have seen bananas straighter). After grumbling, they finally drop the stack down. Hey for 4 boards it only took 1 1/2 hours or so.

I miss Payless Cashways with their drive up lumber yards.

Byron Trantham
09-30-2004, 10:48 AM
I avoid going to the Borgs on weekends at all costs! :cool: Too many weekend warriors and too few staff! :mad: If I run into the situation that you guys describe, I just leave. Being rude to us is one thing, but having to pay for the privilege is just too much! :mad:

I usually go during the week around 7AM. :D

Wade Samuelson
09-30-2004, 11:20 AM
I guess I never really thought about getting lumber at a big box store. I am in the Evergreen State and live within 10 minutes of three lumberyards. I never thought I was supposed to feel blessed about that. Well thanks for sharing your experience--I loved the crickets chirping!!


Steve Clardy
09-30-2004, 11:44 AM
Good read. Lol.
I do not shop at the borgs for lumber and ply. All of mine is ordered from a cabinet supply co. and delivered here. Only time I go into those places is when I need to check on tool closeouts or maybe some electrical stuff.


Doug Jones
09-30-2004, 11:51 AM
I get my plywood at the borg, I look for the scratch and dent stuff and get it at almost half off regular price. Picked up a sheet the other day and the only defect it had was the banding marks on the ends had cut into the plywood a little too far. Got it at a good price and made a decent clamp rack out of it. Another grab was a 4'X7' piece of 1/4" oak plywood for $0.51 got it off the scrap buggy they have.

Ned Bulken
09-30-2004, 11:56 AM
I suppose I do need to find a 'real' plywood shop for the rest of the kitchen, or I might just bite the bullet and buy more sheets at one time when it comes time.

glad someone enjoyed it! I suppose I did after all is said and done.

In this case, shopping there just seemed easier. It got rather comical after a bit, except for the exasperated sighs of the other shoppers.

Dan, thanks for the photo, that is exactly what I'm working with, down to the door and face frame material. Now I can't wait to finish it and save up to do the rest of the cabinets. What did you use as a finish? I'll probably wind up with sprayed water based satin poly.

Scott, thankfully this is for home use, but it wouldn't have been much better for a client. that 'we thought you were the first guy' look is just about what I got from drone three when I asked him for help cutting the sheets down.

My 'weekend' every week is Tue/Wed, and every other week I have Tue through Saturday off as well, so that wasn't weekend borg, it was weekday (albeit noontime) borg behavior. I avoid the weekend masses like the plague they are. I will drive a few more miles and go to the borg closer to home though. This was the closest one to the shop, I think the difference would be about 5 miles.

Wade, yes, it was quite amazing, all of the warehouse sounds; the intercom, the beep beep of the forklift etc... just vanished for several minutes. While I don't have three yards right near the shop, with a little effort (which I will expend next time) I bet I can find a better source.

Have a great day all, and thanks for reading!

Betsy Yocum
09-30-2004, 1:14 PM
Ned - I had a very similar experience. Wrote very long, angry (imagine steam from a tea pot) and did I mention long letter to the corporate office and cc'd the store manager. I did get a very nice reply with several 10% off cards. But the main thing was my particular store really cleaned up their act and it's been better since.

So, if for no other reason, I'd send your post to the home office and at least get a coupon for your trouble. You can use it to be something other than lumber. :)

Can't hurt.

Dan Gill
09-30-2004, 2:17 PM
Dan, thanks for the photo, that is exactly what I'm working with, down to the door and face frame material. Now I can't wait to finish it and save up to do the rest of the cabinets. What did you use as a finish? I'll probably wind up with sprayed water based satin poly.

I used Minwax semi-gloss poly. I was trying to remember, and I believe I wiped it on. Wipe-on or brush-on, I always thin about 60-40 or even 50-50 with mineral spirits.

It turned in a smooth finish for me. This was my first cabinet and first time with raised panels. The biggest hassle was sanding down the base of the countertop. I went to great pains to make my cabinets square and level, and this countertop wasn't anywhere near flat on the bottom. There was a huge hump right where my two cabinet pieces came together. I got really tired of white plastic dust while sanding it down.

Dan Mages
09-30-2004, 10:19 PM
Gee... why am I not surprised.

Sounds like the problem I had yesterday with the drones at the borg. I picked up a french door and they tried to overcharge me $61. :mad: It took three drones, including the manager, 20 minutes to correct this pricing mistake. I also spent 5 minutes going though 20 sheets of beaded plywood to find 4 that were of sufficient quality to use them on my shed.
