View Full Version : Home School Woodshop update

Dave Sharpe
11-11-2009, 7:11 PM
Today the kids got to learn to use handtools for the first time. Only three kids today, ages 10,13, and 16, but their assignment was to use a hammer to drive 5 finish nails and 5 framing nails, then use a screwdriver to dirive 5 wood screws, and then to use a handsaw, plane and shooting board to produce two boards that are cut square to specific measurements. *Thise boards will be used in subsequent lessons as part of a coat rack project they are each making.
Hammering and driving screws actually proved to be more difficult for the kids than sawing was. I was a bit surprised at this, but those darn nails just seemed to want to bend for the kids. But they improved with practice, and I encouraged them to continue to practice at home when they could. Turns out o one has ever taught them proper technique yet for using either a hammer or a screwdriver (I caught the youngest one using the handle of a screwdriver as a hammer to get his screws started in the predrilled holes!!!!) So it's a good thing we're going over this first.
The oldest student really shows promise as a craftsman. His first crosscut of a 6" pine board was a little off square, so he took the time to correct his mistakes and make the second cut dead-on square. Then he used a shooting board and handplane to square up the first cut. He then had to use a handsaw to rip a 4" plank from the 6" board, and immediately grasped the concept of cutting a little proud of the line and using a jointer plane to bring the wood down to the line and square it up. I couldn't be prouder! I wish I'd learned hand tools first rather than having to go back and retrain myself. There's something soothing about the sounds of 3 kids sawing, hammering and planing wood rather than having to hear the whine of a bunch of power tools........ (not to mention worrying about all those young fingers!

Michael Schwartz
11-11-2009, 7:34 PM
don't let them use the nail gun or they will forever refuse to drive a nail by hand again :D