View Full Version : Another project

Peter Luch
11-11-2009, 11:54 AM

Here is something I thought up and decided to try making.
The glass holder takes some shaping by hand to finish but comes out rather nice.
Pictures are not the best, sorry.

Feel free to comment as that's the only way we get better!

Aloha, Pete

Ken Fitzgerald
11-11-2009, 11:59 AM

I like it!

Consider that idea stolen.

11-11-2009, 12:23 PM
I too like that.Very nice.


alex carey
11-11-2009, 1:39 PM
Wow, that is totally awesome and creative, if I had the skill/patience I would totally steal your idea on the wine glass holders.

Peter Luch
11-11-2009, 2:06 PM
Feel free to steal and make it, just remember I have dibs on the Hawaii market......:D

If you need details let me know.

Aloha, Pete

P.S. I got the metal wine bottle holder from Target. It is a double walled metal "Wine Cooler"

David Walser
11-11-2009, 3:05 PM
For those of you considering a similar project, here's a link to the insert Peter used for the wine cooler (please correct me if I'm wrong, Peter): http://www.target.com/Chefmate-Stainless-Steel-Wine-Cooler/dp/B001HIRL2Y/ref=sr_1_25?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid5&frombrowse=0&node=1038576&keywords=Wine%20Cooler&field_browse=1038576&searchSize=30&id=Chefmate%20Stainless%20Steel%20Wine%20Cooler&field_availability=-2&refinementHistory=subjectbin%2Ctarget_com_age%2Cta rget_com_gender-bin%2Ctarget_com_character-bin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&searchNodeID=1038576&field_launch-date=-1y&searchRank=target104545&searchPage=1&field_keywords=Wine%20Cooler

A different insert is available from the Creek's own Brodie Brinkly: http://www.smoothturning.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=4

Just FYI.

Mike Minto
11-11-2009, 5:10 PM
cool! what are we drinking? :) mike

Steve Braman
11-11-2009, 5:16 PM
Where do you get the blanks for the glasses, and what kind of tool do you turn them with?:rolleyes:

Richard Madison
11-11-2009, 5:22 PM
Cool project. For long term storage you may want to hang the glasses upside down.

Bernie Weishapl
11-11-2009, 9:24 PM
Now that is cool. Very well done.