View Full Version : for those with shop dogs.. regular dogs too..

markus shaffer
03-26-2003, 12:56 PM
yesterday my dog miko was diagnosed with canine lymphoma. treatable, yet still the beginning of the end for her. just wanted to say to all of you with dogs make sure you appreciate the time you have with them.. with the day to day "people" business that we all have, it's sometimes easy to take for granted that they are going to be there. perhaps everyone's dog deserves an extra treat today just to be sure you remember them..


Glenn Clabo
03-26-2003, 1:18 PM
Man you are so right...our two Labs are so much part our lives. They have become so important to our mental health with that warm greeting every morning and every night.

Tonight will be extra treats all around...and I'll make sure they know it's in support of Miko.

Hang in ...

John Lucas
03-26-2003, 2:39 PM
A good reminder that the pups are so much a part of our life.http://www.woodshopdemos.com/phy-sb78.jpg

There are dozens of cool spots to settle, but Samantha so often ends at my feet, even if plumes of sawdust are raining down on her.

Good luck to you and Miko

Jim Amundson
03-26-2003, 3:54 PM
Marcus and Miko: My lab, Molly, was diagnosed 6 months ago with cancer in her jaw and lungs. I was thinking the worst but I think Molly wanted to hang around the shop and the yard a bit longer - maybe she wants to celebrate her 13th birthday in July. Anyway, she's showing no particular pain and is eating well and can still jump in the back of the van (at least as well as I can) so we're enjoying our life together day by day. There's nothing that matches the loyalty and love of that special dog. And that includes all dogs in my mind. You never know, maybe you and Miko can have lots more time together - I hope so. Jim A.

Mike Tubbs
03-26-2003, 4:28 PM
I like everyone else who has posted, would be devastated if something happened to my black Lab Andy. He has become such a part of my life. I suppose Glen put it best, they are good for OUR mental health. Good luck.

Mike Johnson - Chicago
03-26-2003, 5:00 PM
There is no doubt that they are attached deeper in your heart than you expect.

We had to put down our 11yr old Sheltie, Kaya, in Nov.2000 due to liver cancer. She had traveled over 75,000 miles in our truck, to camp, mountain bike, and ultimate tournaments. Truely apart of everything we did.

Just recently we became "ready" to add to our family. Rusty is a 3month old holy terror...er, I mean Austrailian Sheperd :)

I'd show you pictures, but I'm a late straggler from the Pond and have yet to "pay attention" to the format....although I did try the "attach file" with no luck.


Ted Shrader
03-26-2003, 6:08 PM
Markus -

Sorry to hear of the diagnosis, but glad it was caught early enough. I went through the same thing with my dog, ending a couple years ago.

Good luck,


Kirk (KC) Constable
03-26-2003, 7:13 PM
I lost Tiny the Rottie/Saint when he was three to kidney failure. No known reason...the vet surmised he just might've had problems all along and they finally caught up with him. There was really no choice but to put him down, but I cried like a baby all the way home.

Here's a shot of my two 'big babies' after Missy tore the hose bib out of the wall. They had a blast for about three hours...until Jean got home...then there was biiiiig trouble since they have a doggie door.

Mike Cunningham
03-26-2003, 10:11 PM
Sorry to hear of Miko's diagnosis and I hope all works out. Through the years I've had many canine family members and have suffered through losing them. Sophie, our 4 year old lab is an integral member of the family and is treated as such. Runs, cookies,lots of attention, even sleeping at the foot of the bed, in the bed that is, at the foot. She also likes to help me in the shop. I love her and understand how you feel.

Sam Chambers
03-26-2003, 11:40 PM

I'm so sorry to hear of Miko's illness. I've had dogs almost all my life, and they've been some of my best pals. Dogs are great companions, but it never gets any easier to say goodbye when the time comes.

My current hound is my 6 year-old yellow Lab named Murphy. He'd love to be a shop dog but he's a trip hazard - he likes to lay right on my feet. He's just about the color of sawdust, so he'd blend right in.

Just about 2 years ago, Murphy got sick and quickly lost about 20% of his body weight. The vet was concerned that he had cancer. He didn't have cancer, but he had a bowel obstruction. Seems that he had eaten his bed in his private basement room, and some of the pieces clogged up his intestines. $1,600 later, he was as good as new. (That's the reason I now have a contractor's saw instead of a cabinet saw, but I digress.....)

Take good care of Miko and enjoy your remaining time. You'll both be glad you did.

Harry Keller
03-27-2003, 11:46 AM

Very sorry to hear about Miko's problems. I hope all turns out well.

This is a picture of my German Shepherd, Shadow (first time posting a picture, hope it worked). He was only about 6 mos old at the time of this picture. He is now 1 1/2 years, 85 lbs, and still has the energy of a puppy. His energy level is hard to deal with on some days, especially since we are expecting a baby in June (try to keep him from jumping up and shoving his nose into my wife's belly). I know we would be absolutely devastated if anything ever happened to him. Thanks for reminding us to appreciate our furry friends, even if they can be a bit too much to handle at times.

Phil Phelps
03-27-2003, 5:32 PM
Two years ago, Markus, I wouldn't have thought much about how close these critters can get to you. Dixie Lee is the first indoor dog I ever had. She is the funniest animal you could imagine. Bless 'em, they just don't live long enough. Good luck with Milo.

Pete Harbin
03-27-2003, 8:19 PM
Here is the first of my two pups.
Suki protects the shop from crickets. Here she is sniffing them out now.

Suki is the older of the two by one year. She's definately a "Daddy's girl" as she sticks close by whenever I'm around.

Pete Harbin
03-27-2003, 8:26 PM
And this is Takara. She's in charge of leaving nose-smudge marks on all cast iron surfaces.
Not as friendly or eager-to-please as Suki, but we love her. She's a lot more serious than Suki, but easier to train. Her command/trick list is about twice as long as Suki's.
She just enjoys being with Suki moreso than being out in the shop. The two are practically joined at the hip.

I actually don't bring them out when I'm running the power tools, so I've never really tested their tolerance for the noise. I do like having them around when I'm tinkering, thinking or just tidying.

Lee Schierer
03-28-2003, 7:49 AM
Well, he checks it now and then, but doesn't like any of the equipment to run. I would have to be a neander to have him stay around when I'm working. He does like to check for mice though.

markus shaffer
03-28-2003, 12:45 PM
I appreciate everyone's replies and encouragment. Miko had her first chemo treatment yesterday and she's no worst for the wear so far. She about choked herself out dragging the attendant down the hall at the vet's office when he brought her out. Luckily the vet we found is the top oncologist here in the city. Apparently more than half of his patients are lymphoma vicims, so we feel like we're with a good doctor. The next few weeks are going to be a little tough until the drugs start to work, but the vet says she's still got quite awhile to go before we'll have to let her go. Thanks again for all the encouragement. It's good to know there are people out there who care about animals so much.


Dale Sherman
03-28-2003, 1:33 PM
Sounds like Miko is in good hands.

Nick was in training to be a seeing eye dog, but they let him go because his prey drive was too strong, not good if you're a blind person hanging onto his leash when a cat goes by.:D

Nick and I hope you and Miko get to enjoy lots of time together.

Dale and Nick

Lee Schierer
03-28-2003, 2:20 PM
Originally posted by Dale Sherman
Sounds like Miko is in good hands.

his prey drive was too strong, not good if you're a blind person hanging onto his leash when a cat goes by.:D

I saw him in action with a squirrel, he can really fly.....0 to 60 in 6.9 feet.

David Ripley
03-28-2003, 3:31 PM
Markus, sorry to hear about Miko ,I know what your going through. Our dog, Digger had a tumor removed last year, and had a check up last week and they found three more.It`s hard, I know but hopefully everthing will turn out all right. David

Stan Smith
03-29-2003, 7:16 PM
Hope things will be okay for your pup, Markus. Here's a pic of my shop dog, Mr. Bub, the little Jack Russell Terrorist ( I mean terrier).