View Full Version : Geez....KC, MO Lathe. Seems like overkill?!?!

Matt Sollars
11-09-2009, 11:19 PM
I'm not associated with it.....other than we probably both weigh more than we need to....

I was just taken by the size and the motor.....seems huge. I'm not even a turner.

http:// kansascity.craigslist.org/tls/1438137273.html


edit: this is a Lehmann,10 horse motor, 2 1/8" spindle hole size, 4 jaw chuck, 120" bed, 20" swing.

To view the listing - copy the address to your browser and remove the space before kansascity before hitting return.

Wes Bischel
11-10-2009, 9:48 AM
Well, when considering the capacity of the lathe, the resulting tonnage of the blank, 10HP isn't too far fetched. 8' long by 18" chunk of steel is about 4 tons.:eek:


Steve Schlumpf
11-10-2009, 9:57 AM
Quite the lathe! You would have to have a huge shop to even consider such a beast - but think of the bragging rights!

Aaron Wingert
11-10-2009, 11:02 AM
Just think of the pens you could make with that. I'm 15 miles from it...Might have to see if it'll fit in the garage. :p