View Full Version : Help finding source for specific hinges

Keith Starosta
11-08-2009, 12:38 PM
I am in the process of putting together a few wooden photo albums, and want to use a specific type of hinge. The hinge uses "pins" that are inserted through holes drilled in the album's binding, sorta like in the picture below...


The actual arm of the hinge shouldn't protrude as far out as the example, but hopefully you get the idea.

I appreciate any help you might be able to help in finding a source!

- Keith

Robert Chapman
11-08-2009, 12:58 PM
Check Lee Valley's Hardware catalog - they have a great selection of hinges.

Wayne Hendrix
11-09-2009, 12:00 AM
Lee Valley has several similar hinges such as this:

The pins look like something that you may be able to get at a hardware store and use with any hinge.

glenn bradley
11-09-2009, 12:26 AM
Van Dyke's Restorers: http://www.vandykes.com/

and San Diego Hardware's 'sister' online location:


have tons of variety.

Paul Steiner
11-09-2009, 11:01 AM
+1 for van dykes.

Keith Starosta
11-09-2009, 11:35 AM
Thanks for the responses, guys! However, I did end up finding a source for exactly what I was looking for. A website actually exists, supplying nothing but screw posts!! :confused: Here's a link for what I'm going to end up using.... http://www.screwpost.com/index.php?cPath=49&osCsid=8f5cc24f30fc55a86c02f28ca82ca195 .