View Full Version : What tree/wood is this?

Chris Padilla
09-28-2004, 2:47 PM
A coworker took this tree down thinking it was standing dead for about 1-2 years. I dunno, doesn't look big enough to do much with but thought I'd post and ask about it anyway.

It is located in Fremont, California...SF Bay Area.


David Wilson
09-28-2004, 3:00 PM
Not sure, but from the bark I would guess River Birch.

Chris Padilla
09-28-2004, 3:14 PM
I was thinking Birch, too.

Gary Max
09-28-2004, 3:18 PM
I agree--Birch--Real nice wood to work with.

Chris Padilla
09-28-2004, 3:26 PM
He isn't far so I may just pop over this weekend and take a gander at it in person and see if it worth doing something with...or if it is meant for the fireplace. :)

Bob Smalser
09-28-2004, 3:30 PM
Definitely looks to be in the birch-alder-aspen family from the reddish-brown age coloring of the wood.

Steve Clardy
09-28-2004, 4:17 PM
I'd vote for birch also. Nice turning wood.

Hey brother twin. You got used to that beak of yours yet?:rolleyes:
Just wondering, as you could make a distant second to our Rudolf.
He croaked last season,:eek: and we need someone here in Mo. to fill in for him this christmas season. Maybe we could have a raffle or something to gather the funds to fly you in.;)

Brother Steve

Dennis Peacock
09-28-2004, 4:44 PM
Just wondering, as you could make a distant second to our Rudolf. He croaked last season,:eek: and we need someone here in Mo. to fill in for him this christmas season. Maybe we could have a raffle or something to gather the funds to fly you in.;)

Brother Steve

LOL!!!!! I don't think it's a good match. His ears aren't long enough and his tail is too short.!!! :eek: :p :p :D

Mac McAtee
09-28-2004, 4:52 PM
Looks like Cherry to me.

Carole Valentine
09-28-2004, 5:14 PM
Take a close look at the bark in the pic of the stump. That plus the color of the heartwood looks like Cherry to me, but it is hard to tell when a tree is dead and the bark is not intact.

Bob Smalser
09-28-2004, 6:58 PM
Very possible it's a West Coast Bitter Cherry...but ours have darker bark up here.

John Shuk
09-28-2004, 7:58 PM
Whatever it is you gotta add a lathe to that giant tool buying binge you been on and use it up!

09-29-2004, 2:09 AM
The bark is reminiscent of cherry, and birch also, but the growth pattern of the tree would be very unusual for cherry. That is very upright, with a strong central leader, more like birch, poplar or alder, and the branching is fairly dense which also suggests one of those. Cherry is more spreading as it gets older.

Betsy Yocum
09-29-2004, 4:23 AM
Ok - now take into account it's 3:14 a.m. here - soooo Chris - I'm not sure what type of tree that is - but, (hoping I offend no one) - that third picture certainly gave me an instant laugh! - Is it me, or does that remind anyone else of the classic "plumber's butt"?:eek:


Carole Valentine
09-29-2004, 9:15 AM
I think you need some sleep, Betsy! But now that you mention it....:D

Scott Coffelt
09-29-2004, 12:26 PM
Does not look at all like the river birch in my yard.

As far as worth, personally all wood is worth keeping versus cutting up and tossing. Sometimes life's gems are very hidden.... case in point that hunk of walnut. Who would have guessed the figure and character in it from looking at the outside.

Cut er up and get er done.

Where's those pics of the aircraft carrier?

Chris Padilla
09-29-2004, 3:41 PM
I'll go look at the tree possibly this weekend...we'll see. :)

The aircraft carrier, I found out, makes a nice, uh, platform to set junk upon as I'm buzzing through my garage rehab...in its box, that is! :eek: ;)

I'm afraid it won't be coming out for a bit.... :(

Donnie Raines
09-29-2004, 3:50 PM
I'll go look at the tree possibly this weekend...we'll see. :)

The aircraft carrier, I found out, makes a nice, uh, platform to set junk upon as I'm buzzing through my garage rehab...in its box, that is! :eek: ;)

I'm afraid it won't be coming out for a bit.... :(
I still say you just have the box....no aircraft carrier...... :rolleyes: :D

John Bush
09-29-2004, 8:59 PM
Hi Chris,

My guess is the Pacific or Western Dogwood (Cornus Nuttallii). Had one in our back yard that the top had died. Cut it down and the necrotic wood and the bark had the same appearance, but the live wood had little or no color. I milled out some small pieces and turned a nice little bowl. The wood had good working and finishing characteristics. Hope you have the chance to use some. Best wishes, John.