View Full Version : Can Crusher?

mickey cassiba
11-06-2009, 10:29 PM
Not sure if this goes in the design forum, off topic or where. My community has asked me to build a hand operated can crusher(aluminum drink cans). When I offered them my shorty 10 lb. sledge, they were not impressed. The old style wall mount metal type is not in keeping with the decor of the community center. Have any of you built, or seen one made of wood? I searched the creek and came up empty, and the wood plan net sites don't offer any either. A picture, or sketch will do, plans are better, but I'm at a loss as to ideas. The one I built as a prototype based on our old steel one barely made it through a dozen cans before breaking up.

Brian J McMillan
11-06-2009, 11:06 PM
Hi Mickey
I found these two:



The first one looks pretty heavy duty. Hope this helps

mickey cassiba
11-06-2009, 11:22 PM
Hey Brian! Thanks. I thought I checked WWJ, guess I missed that one. Looks like it'll do the job.

Jim Rimmer
11-07-2009, 8:19 PM

Whatever happened to Michael Holigan. I used to watch his TV show occassionally.

Bill Huber
11-07-2009, 10:01 PM
You want a can smasher.....:D

Here is mine, but its not wood.

132168 132169

Andrew Schlosser
11-07-2009, 10:28 PM
at this year's New Holland Farmer's Fair, there was a carnival contest to simply smash an empty aluminum can with a short sledge. If you got it small enough to pass through the slotted gage, you won the prize. I spent my $5 trying to get a flat can, and it was harder than it looked!

Richard Wolf
11-08-2009, 8:43 AM
C'mon Bill, now your just showing off:).


Jeff Nicol
11-08-2009, 8:49 AM
Mickey, Besides the other projects we have going, and by the way I almost have a beautiful skew ready for you! I keep using it and am having a hard time parting with it!! Any way I will think of one that may use the foot/leg power to do the crushing, I always am up for a challenge!! Prizes on the way soon!!


mickey cassiba
11-08-2009, 9:13 AM
Mickey, Besides the other projects we have going, and by the way I almost have a beautiful skew ready for you! I keep using it and am having a hard time parting with it!! Any way I will think of one that may use the foot/leg power to do the crushing, I always am up for a challenge!! Prizes on the way soon!!

The leg/foot powered one might be a good idea. My community consists of lots of retirees, and the biggest beef with the old metal one, besides appearance(uglier than homemade soap) was the difficulty of operation. We have a lot of bike riders here, but not many weight lifters. Give it a shot!
As to the prizes, I've got the lathe trued up and am finishing my mobile base/vertical storage rig. Ready for some tooling!

mickey cassiba
11-08-2009, 9:49 AM
You want a can smasher.....:D

Here is mine, but its not wood.

132168 132169
I like it Bill, but the community association probably wont go for it.:D
Up in Tennessee we built a hammer mill powered by a 20 horse diesel motor that could shred a car fender almost instantly.:eek:

Kent A Bathurst
11-08-2009, 10:21 AM
You want a can smasher.....:D

Here is mine, but its not wood.

OK, BIll - You win. Aound our house, I am routinely accused of over-designing even the simplest things, but I am clearly not in the major leagues.:)

Dennis McGarry
11-08-2009, 11:32 AM

Nice design BUT you need to mount it on the side with a reserver pump for the piston. That way it can crush the can and drop it in a bin, all while mowing the lawn and you never have to worry about having cans taking up the cup holder on that thing!

Jim Eller
11-08-2009, 12:39 PM
That's a little much there Bill.:eek:

Here's mine. Not as pretty as Bill's but cheaper and no maintenance.