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View Full Version : Pricing Pen Boxes

Debbie Gillett
11-06-2009, 1:39 PM
I have a potential customer that wants to get his pen boxes engraved. He is a wood worker and makes the pens. I am not too sure if he makes the boxes as well. But needless to say I have been asked to engrave the boxes. I will take about 4 minutes to engrave the logo they want on them. I know approx what I would charge but need to know what is the going pricing so that I can at least be in line with anyone else. I would like to know the pricing you would charge for 1 box as well as 70 boxes, which is what the customer suggested he may need. Btw he is selling these to another customer. Any help would be appreciated.

Dan Hintz
11-06-2009, 1:44 PM
I'd probably do them for around $6/each, give or take.

Todd Suire
11-06-2009, 5:17 PM
I think it depends on what the economy in your area will support. Down in my neck of the woods I probably would only get $4 each, especially if he's gonna re-sell them with the pen as a set.

Rick Irwin
11-06-2009, 6:56 PM
You need to charge more if your only doing a few. Do not forget you have setup time on computer and the laser.

Also... What will it cost you to replace product if misprinted?

Something can happen, thus wiping out all the $$ from the job if not charging enough.:(

donald bugansky
11-06-2009, 7:25 PM
I enjoy making pens for people as gifts but wanted to personalize them. So I inquired at a local trophy shop. They wanted $6 to engrave a pen and $4 to engrave the box.

He stated it cost more to do the pen because it required the rotary device since I wanted the name to circle around the pen.

I thought the prices were a little high so I just bought my own laser.

Hmmmm, $6 per pen or $26k for the laser? Guess I've got to do lots of pens to make this look like an intelligent decision. :)


Dan Hintz
11-06-2009, 8:50 PM
Considering setup time, paperwork, etc. I wouldn't do a single pen or box for that price (unless it was family).

Debbie Gillett
11-06-2009, 8:55 PM
Thanks everyone.I figured I needed to charge some where between $4 and $5but just needed to make sure that was not too high or too low.
Thanks again for all the imput. It is verymuch appreciated.