View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
11-06-2009, 9:06 AM
Friday November 6, 2009


Well, as we motor along towards Thanksgiving, we are scheduled for an "Indian Summer" in these neck of the woods this weekend. Mid 60's for tomorrow. Think I'll get in a round of golf. :) It'll probably be the last one of the year.:(

Not too sure what else is happening around here over the weekend though. Guess I'll just play it by ear. Catch some football and the race from Texas and see what happens the rest of the time.

What's going on in and around your part of the universe? Getting some Christmas projects done? Time is running short you know. ;) Whatever you have planned, make it enjoyable and above all SAFE.


JohnT Fitzgerald
11-06-2009, 9:12 AM
Hi Karl - we have that nice weather up this way too, so I'll be outside doing the final cleanup/putaway before winter sets in. need to cleanup the yard and such, and putaway all the garden hoses, patio furniture, etc. I hope to get in some shop time but we'll see.

Philip Johnson
11-06-2009, 9:39 AM
I get to take the better half to a sewing expo should be exciting..The last time we went she got a new sewing machine...a very expensive one. She must have felt a bit guilty as she told me to buy what I need for the shop. So after a new planer, new jointer, new shaper, new bandsaw, a few festools, I think I came out ok. I will make the sacrifice, put a smile on the face and let her have a nice day out, you never know I may get a new tool out of it.


Dan Gill
11-06-2009, 9:58 AM
Tomorrow is the opening day of the general deer season here. I'll be out trying to connect with Bambi on Saturday. If he puts in an appearance early, I'll be back home in the evening in time to celebrate my birthday with my family. Sunday is absolutely chock full, as are most Sundays. I do usually manage to get a nap in, though . . .

Ken Fitzgerald
11-06-2009, 10:21 AM

The end of my summer project is nigh! The new carpet was installed in the bathroom and bedroom yesterday. The carpet installers dinged up the baseboard a bit, so I'll have to touch up the paint. Move everything back into the bedroom is the weekend chore.

Maybe...clean some more in the shop and possibly finish the stand for my new mortiser.

Matt Meiser
11-06-2009, 10:24 AM
NOT working on anything kitchen related. :D

I'll probably look at getting back to my Parks Planer resto. Plus there's some yard work to do and I need to get my window AC out.

Dave Wagner
11-06-2009, 1:23 PM
- Hitting a tool auction just up the street, maybe score something? not sure.
- going to pick up a hot water boiler for the basement,
- finishing some insulation in the garage,
- finish one more railing for the porch...

Joe Mioux
11-06-2009, 2:02 PM
Quail hunt on Sunday afternoon.

tomorrow after work? hopefully work on my china cabinet.