View Full Version : Dowelmax users -would you...

Brian Penning
11-05-2009, 8:35 PM
...make a Morris chair with it?

glenn bradley
11-05-2009, 8:55 PM
Blasphemy! Sorry, I couldn't resist. :o

Art Mulder
11-05-2009, 9:48 PM

(I made a mission-style loveseat (http://www.wordsnwood.com/2003/p.loveseat/) six years ago, and while the carcass was constructed using M+T, the top armrest was attached to the body with just glue and biscuits. Still solid as a rock, with kids climbing all over it, and us picking it up by the armrest every now and then to move it...)

But probably not.

Friend of mine reported finding dowels holding together 75+ year old doors in old houses. Still solid and tight.

gary Zimmel
11-05-2009, 10:27 PM
I've got a Dowelmax. Great tool....

But when I made my two Morris chairs and ottos I used traditional M&T joinery.

Another sorry...

Brian Penning
11-05-2009, 10:28 PM
Maybe I should rephrase the question. Is it because of the tradition or you worried about the strength?

gary Zimmel
11-05-2009, 10:41 PM
The Dowelmax I'm sure would do a fine job.

But for me Brian it was wanting to do the builds a more traditional way.

Walt Caza
11-06-2009, 9:42 AM
Brian, everyone is in a different place, and a different headspace...
doing their hobby woodworking.
Each individual holds different skills and values, while chasing different lessons and goals.
Creating requires decisions. (convenience, tradition, durability, time, money)
Only you can choose the most correct path for yourself.

Yes, I also own a DowelMax, and believe it is a superior dowel jig.
Personally, I'd rather not use it on a Morris chair.
(no offense to inventor Jim, who is a good guy)

However, if fresher methods enable a woodworker to accomplish building a piece...
that they otherwise could not get built...
I can certainly see that advantage.

Dowels have been used in furniture for a looong time.
The classic knock on dowels involves seasonal changes which cause them
to shrink out of round, and thus strain adhesives, possibly compromising the joint over time.
There are countless examples of old dowels used successfully.
There are countless examples of rickety old dowelled pieces as well.

There is a whole debate about modern versus old school glues for such applications.
Some are brittle, and lack the 'give' to maintain the integrity of the joint.
Not to mention they also lack 'repairability'.
(search the Creek for Bob Smalser's famous thread on glue) *added link*

Good luck with your project,
be sure to share a peek with the Creek,

ps As Art said, I too once busted apart an 80 yr old dowelled door.
It was a revelation in it's defiance. Very tough old door. Quite impressive construction.

Prashun Patel
11-06-2009, 9:48 AM
I have a Dowelmax. It will definitely hold up if used properly. However, the M&T is more romantic and traditional.

Depends on what yr going for: speed or style.

Chris Padilla
11-06-2009, 11:58 AM
Domino! :D

Walt Caza
11-06-2009, 12:24 PM
Domino! :D

I hear the through-dominos look great.

Perhaps not exactly the expressed joinery which is
a hallmark of the entire A&C aesthetic movement?

Just stirring the pot a little on a slow day,
sorry Chris

Chris Padilla
11-06-2009, 12:52 PM
Only a little, Walt?! It is Friday after all and you should know I'm the King of pot stirring 'round these here parts! :D

Through Dominos, as a matter of fact, do look great!! "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" some wise-apple once said....


Jacob Mac
11-06-2009, 1:41 PM
I have a dowelmax, but I have never used it on a project like yours. However, I would think that if you used enough dowels, it would not be a problem.

Walt Caza
11-06-2009, 2:03 PM
Only a little, Walt?! It is Friday after all and you should know I'm the King of pot stirring 'round these here parts! :D

Through Dominos, as a matter of fact, do look great!! "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" some wise-apple once said....


Whew... hehe
As they say... no pics... never happened...
care to share?
Let's have a lil look-see at these handsome joints?

Brian Kincaid
11-06-2009, 3:12 PM
I did some through dominoes on a guitar stand. I thought they looked kinda cool. Spruced up a nice plywood project.

The through dominoes on my hardwood bookshelf was an accident. :eek: I did a little repair job on that one. Now you have to look hard to see where I goofed up!
