View Full Version : I turned a whazzit...

Bill Arnold
11-05-2009, 10:52 AM
As some of you might know, I'm still trying to figger out which end of some of these here turning tools to hold! :eek: I'm very well entrenched in "flat world" but occasionally take a short break to re-focus for a while.

Anyway, I had seen something similar to the 'thingie' in the photos while LOML and I were on a getaway weekend a couple of weeks ago. She didn't get to see the item was in the men's room at an 'antique' store. :o

A few days ago, I walked out to the firewood stand and grabbed a hunk of wood a little less than 3" across and about 18" long. I cut the ends a little flatter and stuck it on my lathe to see what would happen. After going back to it for a few minutes several times over a couple of days, this is what happened.

It looks a little better like this:

Final size is 2.75" wide at the base and 8.5" tall. I sprayed a couple of coats of shellac over the whole piece, then put several more on the bare wood portion.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-05-2009, 10:57 AM
Ah Bill! A very nice natural edged (NE) bonker vase! I've not seen one in the NE form before but I surely do like yours! Nicely done sir!

Steve Schlumpf
11-05-2009, 11:07 AM
Bill - that's pretty cool! Really like the combination of turned wood and natural bark! The important question is "How does your wife like it?"

Bill Arnold
11-05-2009, 11:12 AM
Ah Bill! A very nice natural edged (NE) bonker vase! I've not seen one in the NE form before but I surely do like yours! Nicely done sir!
Thanks, Ken.
I guess I'll experiment with a little more firewood. If it doesn't work out, it'll still keep us warm! ;)

Bill Arnold
11-05-2009, 11:13 AM
Bill - that's pretty cool! Really like the combination of turned wood and natural bark! The important question is "How does your wife like it?"
Thanks, Steve.

LOML is at work, so I sent her the link to the post. She wants the thingie for her desk! :)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-05-2009, 11:18 AM
OH...and Bill.....

With respect to the tools......I always try to remember ..."Sharp end away.....Sharp end away!"

But sometimes I still forget.:o

Steve Schlumpf
11-05-2009, 11:34 AM
Don't be surprised - once your wife has this on her desk - that you suddenly have some orders come in for more of the same!

Yup..... and so it begins!

Alan Zenreich
11-05-2009, 12:21 PM
I'm trying hard to resist....

But let's just say that it will be easy to get a close fitting latex cover for it <vbg>

Richard Madison
11-05-2009, 1:38 PM
I like it Bill. Is unusual and has a rustic look that is popular these days.

Bill Arnold
11-05-2009, 4:43 PM
Thanks to everyone who took a look and commented.

And, Ken - that was "Sharp end away.....Sharp end away!" -- right?

The suggestion of a latex cover (for shipping, I assume?) was noted. :D

Bernie Weishapl
11-05-2009, 9:16 PM
Pretty piece Bill. Yep that hits the wife's desk and you might be in trouble. Yep thats where it starts, just ask me.

Bill Arnold
11-06-2009, 10:47 AM
Pretty piece Bill. Yep that hits the wife's desk and you might be in trouble. Yep thats where it starts, just ask me.
Thanks, Bernie.

Actually, she asked me last night what the price should be on one of these things. Told her I didn't have a clue but maybe $20 if I can run a few of them.

How does one price stuff like this?

Steve Schlumpf
11-06-2009, 10:54 AM
Bill - pricing is always questionable and a lot of it has to do with your local market, how much time/materials you have invested in it and whether you want to turn a similar item again. If your wife works with a bunch of folks whose annual income is 6 figures - you could get away with asking for more money by stating this piece was just released from your private art collection - or - you could view it as a fast and easy $20! The choice is yours!

I do wish you luck with the sales!