View Full Version : cremation urn

Dave Sharpe
11-04-2009, 11:53 PM
A few years back my mother was dying and I made a cedar box for her ashes to rest in until being scattered. She really appreciated the natives of the Northwest, so I wanted to make a traditional bentwood cedar box, but didn't have time to learn the proper methods. My initial attempts were dismal failures, so I fell back on standard box-making efforts and completed a box only a week or two before her passing.

Now my father has asked me to make him something similar for his ashes when the time comes. (I agreed only after making him promise not to use it anytime soon!) I've searched online and found a number of wooden "urns" of varying quality, and learned to anticipate 1 cubic inch of ash volume per pound of "living wieght". Strange things you learn on the net......
Dad says he has purchased a niche at a VA cemetery in Arizona, but I'm curious if anyone out there knows anything about the practice of storing cremated ashes. Are the niche's sealed airtight? Are they ever opened again for any reason? Any suggestions as to what wood to be used for such a box? Dad is a renowned penny-pincher, so I've half jokingly suggested I should make the box from recycled pallets, but I'm more interested in a product that will stand the test of time. Anyone else have experiences with this?

Mack Cameron
11-05-2009, 8:11 AM
a few years back my mother was dying and i made a cedar box for her ashes to rest in until being scattered. She really appreciated the natives of the northwest, so i wanted to make a traditional bentwood cedar box, but didn't have time to learn the proper methods. My initial attempts were dismal failures, so i fell back on standard box-making efforts and completed a box only a week or two before her passing.

Now my father has asked me to make him something similar for his ashes when the time comes. (i agreed only after making him promise not to use it anytime soon!) i've searched online and found a number of wooden "urns" of varying quality, and learned to anticipate 1 cubic inch of ash volume per pound of "living wieght". Strange things you learn on the net......
Dad says he has purchased a niche at a va cemetery in arizona, but i'm curious if anyone out there knows anything about the practice of storing cremated ashes. Are the niche's sealed airtight? Are they ever opened again for any reason? Any suggestions as to what wood to be used for such a box? Dad is a renowned penny-pincher, so i've half jokingly suggested i should make the box from recycled pallets, but i'm more interested in a product that will stand the test of time. Anyone else have experiences with this?

Hi Dave; All of your questions could be answered by the cemetery officials in AZ where your Dad has purchased his niche. I have been known to build a few urns. Here's some pics!


This one with raised panels of Birds-Eye maple and Walnut, I made for my wife and myself for use at some time in the future. I had a picture of us on our honeymoon laser engraved on the top.



The 2 above are a couple of very simple ones that I sell to our local funeral director. If they suit your fancy, and you are interested in the plans, pm me with your addy etc. and I will shoot them off to you.