View Full Version : Henry Taylor spear/ round nose?

Ron Bontz
11-03-2009, 7:10 PM
I was curious if anyone has the Henry Taylor 3/8 x 3/8 round nose scraper or the spear point. What your thought were on these. I ground my own, 1/4" thick, from a couple of cheap tools for the time being. I was thinking of grinding my own from the Thompson tools if I do not find one I like. I would prefer 5/16" thickness or better. Any wisdom from the " worldly spinny gurus" would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.:)

Reed Gray
11-04-2009, 12:57 AM
A 3/8 square stock scraper is pretty little for me. Good for only small boxes and bowls. For bowls, I prefer it to be swept back to the left side rather than round nosed. For boxes, I have a couple of hollowing tips, mostly round nosed, and one square one for doing the tenon and recess for the lids. I did have one spear point, and turned it into a negative rake scraper which is more like a skew, but a more blunt angle on the cutting edge. The only uses I could find for it were as a shear cutter on the outside of bowls and on spindles. I could also make lines for a burning wire, but the skew works just as well. It would depend on how you plan to use them.

robo hippy

Ken Whitney
11-04-2009, 8:35 AM

I just finished (literally yesterday) making a spear-point scraper (80 degrees) from a 3/4" Thompson scraper blank. Very easy.


Jon McElwain
11-05-2009, 2:24 PM
Thicker the better - even for smaller turnings. I've got a HT 3/8" by 1" minaret scraper and like it pretty well, although my HT mega-scraper (5/8" by 5/8") is my go-to. I would recommend using the old cheap 1/4" tools you have for dovetail grinds and the occasional custom grind.