View Full Version : Sandpaper Storage

Don Abele
09-27-2004, 10:48 PM
While finishing up my new kitchen table top (pics to come soon), I found that my drawer full of miscellaneous sandpaper was a pain to navigate. So I spent about 4 hours making this storage unit.

It's from 3/8" BB ply - I was accidently given 3 sheets of this instead of the 1/2" I ordered. When I called, they said keep it and come get the 1/2". Sweet!!! :D Anyway, figure I'd put it to good use. John, is that a gloat??? :p

The box sides and back are joined with 1/2 rabbits while all the drawers are box joints (first time ever making them). I made BB slides for the sides and cut a dado into the drawer sides. A little wax and they slide real smooth.

It's not exactly furniture or even high quality, but something functional for the shop. My discs, sheets, and belts are all neatly stored and separated by grit. :D

Be well,


Jim Ketron
09-27-2004, 10:51 PM
I like it!!
Nice Job!!
Nothing like organization!!

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-27-2004, 10:53 PM
Very Effective use of a GLOAT! I guess, one of these days, I will have to break down and learn how to cut dovetails and finger joints. Mine always look like I chewed them with my teeth------------That's why I turn.


Craig Colvin
09-27-2004, 10:54 PM
Very nice!

How did you make the finger joints?

Frank Pellow
09-27-2004, 11:03 PM
Good idea and nice work. It looks like something that I may try to copy some day.

Don Abele
09-27-2004, 11:04 PM
Bruce, my first attempt was bad. I have an old Vermont American 6" dado set (about 10 years old) and it showed that it really needs to be replaced. I had to back all the ply up for each cut or it just got shreded.

Craig, I made a quick box joint jig from an example I saw a while ago. The fence is scrap MDF and the pin is oak (1/2" wide and 3/8" high). It's nothing like the jig that Carol posted recently. This one took all of 10 minutes to make.

Be well,


Dick Parr
09-27-2004, 11:06 PM
Very nice Doc, it looks like it will do the job nicely. I need to make one of those one of these days....

Bob Marino
09-27-2004, 11:12 PM

Very well done. I like it!


Ken Fitzgerald
09-27-2004, 11:22 PM
Great work Doc! :D You might as well call the cops now.......I'm stealing that idea! :eek:

Tyler Howell
09-28-2004, 9:01 AM
Nice Doc!

Too Good For Sandpaper:cool:

Wes Bischel
09-28-2004, 10:38 AM
Nice use of extra material ;) I'm going to file this one under "must do" this winter.


Lou Morrissette
09-28-2004, 10:44 AM
Nice work Doc. Looks like something we all need to build.

Don Abele
09-28-2004, 7:20 PM
Thanks everyone. I can't say the idea is of my own creation, so copy/steal away. Not sure where I came up with it, but it's been on my clipboard of "things to do" for a while.

Here's another thing that was on that list too. Tired of all my bits just thrown into a drawer, so this is 2 pieces of MDF scrap and all of 10 minutes effort, but hey, it works for now and organized that drawer as well.

That's another organizer off the list...many more still on there though.

Be well,


Bruce Page
09-28-2004, 8:02 PM
Don, that is really nice, in fact it is so nice, how about making one for me too? :D

That's one of those things that has been on my "things to do" list for a long, long time. :o

Don Abele
09-28-2004, 9:09 PM
No problem Bruce, I'll add that to the BOTTOM of my "to do" list. :D Of course, you need to remember that this sandpaper cabinet has been on the list for well over a year. Sooooo...I'll get to yours sometime in the "near" future. :p

Be well,


Gredo Goldenstein
09-28-2004, 9:30 PM
Very Nice! Add my name to the robbery list. :D


Bruce Page
09-28-2004, 10:29 PM
No problem Bruce, I'll add that to the BOTTOM of my "to do" list. :D Of course, you need to remember that this sandpaper cabinet has been on the list for well over a year. Sooooo...I'll get to yours sometime in the "near" future. :p

Be well,

What a guy!!

(I'm a very patient man.)

Sparky Paessler
09-29-2004, 8:03 AM
Both things look great and have also been on my "to do " list. Glad to see you got yours done. Good job!

Chris Padilla
09-29-2004, 2:51 PM
Nice work, Doc...glad to see you back posting. :)

Steve Clardy
09-29-2004, 4:21 PM
Nice box. Great idea.
Over the years I have built dedicated shelves, boxes, cabinets for stuff like screws, nails, gun nails, etc. I quickly found they would fill up and still have stuff laying around. So when I would build something again, I would make extra space for more. But then it would fill up again.
I have pretty well quit making dedicated boxes, etc.
Last year I built 20' feet of shop base cabinets with drawers and shelves. [they still are not done, drawer fronts, doors.] These cabinets are overflowing now. Oh well----.


Chris Padilla
09-29-2004, 4:40 PM

Throw some crap away already!! More storage means that you don't have to throw anything out!! :D

Steve Clardy
09-29-2004, 4:55 PM

Throw some crap away already!! More storage means that you don't have to throw anything out!! :D
Yea. I know. I know!!!. But man, it's hard to throw away when theres a slight chance of using it. Even a year or so down the road.:rolleyes:
I usually have a major hauling out, cleaning out about every 6 months. What amazes me is when I say, WHY DID I DRAG THAT IN HERE?? AND FOR WHAT REASON???:eek::eek::confused::confused::confused:

Christian Aufreiter
09-29-2004, 5:09 PM
Excellent idea and good-looking result. Very nice project!
BTW, I have to admit that improving the organization of my shop is definitely my favorite project. I can't think of anything more satisfying.



Don Abele
09-29-2004, 9:42 PM
Steve, if you are like me and have to move every 2-3 years you'd learn to clear stuff out in a hurry - as well as keep it organized in the interim (so you don't throw it out later!!!).

Chris, it's nice to not only have the time to post, but the time to get back into the shop. The Navy isn't exactly cheap with dealing out free time. I've had off the last week and spent most of it in the shop. Pics of the "real" projects will be coming soon when I finish them.

Christian, I've seen the size of your shop - organization should be at the top of the list. At least in previous posts things seemed to be fairly squared away.

Thanks again to all for the comments.

Be well,


Christian Aufreiter
09-30-2004, 1:16 AM
Christian, I've seen the size of your shop - organization should be at the top of the list. At least in previous posts things seemed to be fairly squared away.

Thanks again to all for the comments.

Be well,


Yes, absolutely correct, organization is very important in my smallish shop (about 16.5 x 6.5 ft). Just built a new cabinet and installed another shelf in order to get more storage space.

