View Full Version : Mudroom Locker Cabinets

Doug Carpenter
11-03-2009, 8:50 AM
I decided to organize our lives. I had seen something similar at customers' house and in an article in Finehomebuilding.

I built it out of poplar and birch plywood. The cabinets have adjustable shelves and 35mm cup hinges. I can also add shelves in the shoe area.

Brad Wood
11-03-2009, 9:10 AM
i could use something like that in my mud room... nice job

John Keeton
11-03-2009, 9:15 AM
Very nice project, and great job on the inset doors!

However, given the family you obviously have, let me know how that "organize our lives" goes for you!:D Been there, and attempted that!

Keith Starosta
11-03-2009, 9:20 AM
Very nice, Doug!! I wish I had the room to do something like that.

The addition of the Michigan rug brings everything together beautifully!!! :D

- Keith

11-03-2009, 10:03 AM
Great work.

Prashun Patel
11-03-2009, 10:09 AM
I'm drooling. Our mudroom is puny and disorganized.

Nice workmanship. I'm bookmarking it for ideas....

John Thompson
11-03-2009, 10:12 AM
Excellent job of getting organized and utilizing space to the max. Looks great except.. well, that rug is a bit tacky and must go! :D

Just kiddin' on that rug as it is perfect to wipe mud on. :D :D

Yeah... I'm running toward the nearest exit now... as fast as an ole man can run, anyway! ;)

Doug Carpenter
11-03-2009, 10:37 AM
Thanks guys. Best thing about my rug is that I live in Ohio.:D

John, who do you think will be putting everything away? Yep you guessed it. Me!

At least it might keep me from going insane. maybe.

Josh Gerber
11-03-2009, 11:03 AM
Those look great. I have these to do on my list also. I don't have a mud room so mine will go in the garage. What type of paint did you use? A heavy duty exterior paint or something else? Did you spray them?

A Michigan fan in Ohio, if i were a betting man I'd say you also root for the Steelers. Go Bucks!

Doug Carpenter
11-03-2009, 12:58 PM

I used interior oil paint. It was a booger. I am leary of latex paint for durability. I am however going to put a clear rubber mat material in the shoe area because I imagine my wife will take to kicker her shoes off right into her shoe bin so I'm sure it will take some abuse.

I considered building mine in the garage but space out there is a premium and since it is my shop it's quite dusty too. I always wanted to do something else with that corner of the room but I had to face facts. That is were everything gets dumped anyway.

Truth be told I'm not that big of a football fan but I used to date U of M girls so I tease my wife that that is my alma mater.:D I do catch alot of crap for it. Some people look at me with great dissapointment. It always cracks me up that they get such hurt feelings about. I grew up in Michigan. I could just as easily take offense as well but I don't sweat the small stuff anymore.

One thing's for sure I don't know how anybody is still hanging in there with the Browns. I don't care for the big show feeling the NFL has. I would say I like the college games better. It has a more realistic feel to it.

whit richardson
11-03-2009, 1:21 PM
Nice project... now I have a reason to sell this house for one with a mud room. :D

gary Zimmel
11-03-2009, 6:46 PM
Nice job on getting the mud room organized, very organized....

Andrew Schlosser
11-10-2009, 12:25 AM
What do you envision getting stuffed into the small 3" wide cubbies between the coats? Those small cubbie holes always seem to please The Container Store folks...

Doug Carpenter
11-10-2009, 8:37 AM
The tall cubbies we put library books in; because we always lose those.

My wife like to put her keys in one. Gloves and hats fit in them nicely too.
I wish I had done two tall one instaed of one but what can you do?

We have actually taken to the system pretty well. Everybody seems to put their things away without much prodding. My little guy can't reach his hooks very easily so he tends to just get his stuff close. I will probrably get some of those command hoods and stick them on lower for him for now. I didn't want to mount hooks low because it would make holes and next week he'll be taller anyway!