View Full Version : Baker Resaw

mickey cassiba
11-02-2009, 6:20 AM
Though not your average home shop tool, I have two Baker BBR-0 horizontal band saws to maintain at work. The steel wheels have lost their crown over the years. This causes a lot of heat build up as the blade is running nearly flat now. Baker used to sell an attachment to re-crown the wheels in place. We had one, or so I'm told, but it went AWOL long before I came on the scene. I'm using way too many blades, the heat seems to take the set out of the teeth, and or break the blades. When one breaks at speed it crumples, making a weld job near impossible. I've searched nearly everywhere, and cannot find one or even a print or picture. Baker stopped selling the attachment, I guess it's a little more profitable to sell new wheels. I was wondering if any of the pro's out there have one of these and could send me a few pictures?

Scott T Smith
11-02-2009, 11:38 PM
Mickey, you ought to post this request on the ForestryForum.com. Lot's of millers and Baker owners on that forum.



mickey cassiba
11-03-2009, 7:12 AM
Thanks Scott.