View Full Version : A Little Upgrade

gary Zimmel
11-01-2009, 11:29 PM
I'm pretty sure I am hooked....

Even though I have been turning only a short while I decided that I needed a bigger lathe.
Not to sure why but thats all behind me now.

Our woodworking show was this weekend.
A week or so ago I phoned one of the suppliers that was going to be there and asked them to bring a extra crate up...
And this is what I went home with.


Not wanting to wait for help for a couple of days I figured I would give it a try to get a bit of it set up.
Went way better than I would of expected...
An hour or so later it was alive.


This is not where it is going to live. There will have to be a bit of a shop shuffle to get it in its permanent home.
Icing on the cake was getting registered for a couple of weekend turning courses this month.
These I am really looking forward too.


Steve Schlumpf
11-01-2009, 11:38 PM
Gary - CONGRATS!!!

No doubt about it now - you are in the Vortex!

Looking forward to seeing the new work coming off your lathe! You are going to love it!

alex carey
11-02-2009, 1:05 AM
looks like you did the same thing I did, I used to have the GI maxi lathe, then I upgraded to the mustard monster and it felt amazing. Congrats on the lathe. You won't be disappointed.

Fred Belknap
11-02-2009, 7:27 AM
Dumb newbie question. What is the thingy behind the tail stock?

John Keeton
11-02-2009, 7:36 AM
Gary, what time did you get home from the show? Strangely, I was awakened over the weekend with a dream in which there was hysterical ranting and screaming from a woman yelling obscenities at her husband.

At first, I felt sure it was directed at me (Lord knows justifiably) but them there was this big yellow object in the dream.

I am pretty sure it was Geri unleashing on you when you drove up with that crate in the back of the truck!!

I know it is a pretty good distance from Alberta to KY, but I would know that type of scream anywhere!;)

Sweeet! And, worth the punishment you probably got!

Walt Caza
11-02-2009, 10:12 AM
(drops his head, vacant stares at the ground, biting his lip, shakes his head in disbelief, heavy sigh)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-02-2009, 10:38 AM

I think after you have had it for a while, you find that's not a "little upgrade". I've enjoyed mine! Congrats!

That John guy from Kentucky can sure spin a yarn! I want to picture him like my paternal grandmother and her sisters.....all with a pipe in their mouths....telling folklore to us younguns!:rolleyes:

Richard Madison
11-02-2009, 10:52 AM
Fred, That's a mounting point that's aligned with the bracket that holds the wire "shield" thingy. A pattern piece can be mounted between those two points as an aid to making multiple "identical" pieces like balusters or table legs, etc.

Pete Jordan
11-02-2009, 11:29 AM

Congrats! I have the same two lathes. I take the little one in the basement during the winter to work on small projects.

Gary Herrmann
11-02-2009, 12:21 PM
Congrats and be careful. This is worse than hand tools.

Walt Caza
11-02-2009, 1:26 PM
Congrats Gary!
I have been chuckling under my breath since I found out about your big mustard score.
Exciting new shopmonster!
(I'm glad we're not married, for Several reasons)

Knowing how my pal tends to get...how shall we put it?
'carried away' with things...

I knew assembly could not wait a few days, like you said!
Glad you got her together.
Remember to enjoy the whole trip.
From zero to hero is a big adventure!
Let's take the scenic route.

The only thing that could make learnin' this turnin' better...
is stumbling through together...
good show,

ps Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is a pretty big lathe for a guy who's
entire turning career amounts to about a hundred bottle stoppers?!?

I told my wife that you are gonna shock us all, and win the world record for the largest bottle stopper...
maybe a 3 footer?
and then Geri will be sooo pleased!

John Keeton
11-02-2009, 1:35 PM
http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/Animated%20Gif%20Music%20%28111%29.gif (http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/index.php#link)Turn! Turn! Turn!http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/Animated%20Gif%20Music%20%28111%29.gif (http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/index.php#link)
To everything
http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/Animated%20Gif%20Music%20%28111%29.gif (http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/index.php#link)turn, turn, turnhttp://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/Animated%20Gif%20Music%20%28111%29.gif (http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/index.php#link)
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.
And a time to every purpose under heaven.
A time to rough, a time to gouge.
A time to scrape, a time to sand.
A time to bead, a time to cove.
A time to part, a time to skew.

http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/Animated%20Gif%20Music%20%28111%29.gif (http://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Music/index.php#link)

Tony De Masi
11-02-2009, 1:54 PM
John, John, John,

You are really into the vortex now. SINGING about turning? I hope you don't parlay those little snippets into the courtroom.

Happy turning,


Mike Golka
11-02-2009, 2:17 PM
Congrats Gary!! Hope to see you on the 12th. at EWG meeting. Did you get the new beast from the good folks at Blackforest? We had a couple members doing turning demos over at their booth.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-02-2009, 2:27 PM
John, John, John,

You are really into the vortex now. SINGING about turning? I hope you don't parlay those little snippets into the courtroom.

Happy turning,


I think John's been sniffing exotic wood curlies again!:eek::rolleyes:

Cliff Holmes
11-02-2009, 2:33 PM
Hey, Gary, I'll be picking up my own in a few weeks. Can you tell me how large the box was? I'm hoping it'll fit in my van so I don't have to pull a trailer.


gary Zimmel
11-02-2009, 3:04 PM
Thanks for all the comments...

The shipping wieght of the crate is 680 lbs.
And the crate size is 56"X28"X27".
The crate was able to just fit sideways in my truck as it is only 27" deep.
Not sure if you have a full size van, but thats what would be needed.


Yes the lathe was bought through Black Forest.
I'm am looking forward to the 12th.
See you there..

Cliff Holmes
11-02-2009, 3:16 PM
I have a 15-passenger van. Looks like it'll fit with no problem, assuming WC has a forklift to put it in.

Ken Glass
11-02-2009, 3:30 PM
Welcome to club "Mustard." You will love its versatility. I have had mine two years and it just gets better. Congrats!

John Keeton
11-02-2009, 4:21 PM
I think John's been sniffing exotic wood curlies again!:eek::rolleyes:If I start "tiptoeing through the tulips" please just send someone over to shoot me and put me out of my misery!!!

Eugene Wigley
11-02-2009, 4:39 PM
Gary, congrats on the lathe. You will love it.

Chris Stolicky
11-02-2009, 7:21 PM
Just put the cover back on the CA glue. :rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
11-02-2009, 9:00 PM
Gary great score. You are going to love it.