View Full Version : Seeking old Festool Newsletters

Frank Pellow
09-27-2004, 1:57 PM
There is one newsletter (dated March 2004) at the Festool USA web site (http://www.festool-usa.com/). It contains quite a bit that is of interest to me, so I went looking for other newsletters. But, even though the March 2004 newsletter implies that there were earlier ones I could not find them.

If there were such newsletters and someone can provide me with a pointer to it/them, I would appreciate it. I did write a note to Fesdtool USA but my question went unanswered.

Chris Padilla
09-27-2004, 5:28 PM
Have you tried droping Uncle Bob an inquiry?

Frank Pellow
09-27-2004, 6:48 PM
Have you tried droping Uncle Bob an inquiry?

No. I will do so right now.

Frank Pellow
09-28-2004, 8:27 AM
There was one (only one) previous newsletter.

Bob contacted Festool and they sent us a copy of the only other newsltter. It was interesting from an historical perpective but I did not find any thechnical information that I did not already know. Thanks for doing this Bob.

Festool also says that they will be issuing a newsletter soon. I have asked Bob to pass on the suggestion that, when Festool issues additional
newsletters, the old newsletters should be available in an archive which is
reachable from their web site.