View Full Version : OK I Promise!

Tyler Howell
09-26-2004, 9:16 PM
OK I Promise, this is the very last entry level WW project. As mentioned in Weekend Doings this was the big tool sale and pickins were pretty good!
(Maybe Good enough for a call to Uncle Bob:rolleyes: ).
So Much time in the garage brought back memories.
I invited a dozen Girls Scouts over ( I was a registered leader:cool: ) to make bird houses. That afternoon there was a "peddle bye shooting" across the alley.:eek:
A mini gang banger road bye on his bike, and dropped 6 rounds into the house in retaliation for a previous event. The joys of Urban living:( .
No one was hurt but there was a lot of terror for me. Consulting with my peers we went ahead with our event. I circled the wagons so to speak with my vehicles between us and the war zone.
Intro ed the young ladies to a wide variety of power and hand tools, abrasives and adhesives. All produced a functional house. And we sent home made kits for the two that couldn't come.
I'm proud to say out of the group there is a promising artist, doctor, nurse, technician, 2 engineers and carpenter!!!! :cool:

Dick Parr
09-26-2004, 9:21 PM
Sorry to here about the drive by. :eek: Those don't help anyone. :(

Looks it was a good after all for your group. Nice project to have and glad to here of the bright futures ahead for the group. :D Your a plus with everything you are involved in Tyler. ;)

Greg Heppeard
09-26-2004, 9:23 PM

Don't stop!! I'm sure the girls loved the adventure in woodworking. What better therapy is there for them when they get older, than sawdust therapy? They're gonna need it.

Gredo Goldenstein
09-26-2004, 9:53 PM

I love the birdhouses! Educating children is always time well spent.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a scanner that tunes in the police/fire radio frequency. Sometimes it's almost scary to listen to whats going on around me and I would have never known otherwise.


John Miliunas
09-26-2004, 11:06 PM
That afternoon there was a "peddle bye shooting" across the alley.:eek:
A mini gang banger road bye on his bike, and dropped 6 rounds into the house in retaliation for a previous event. The joys of Urban living:( .
[/b][/color][/i] :cool:

Hah! That ain't nuthin'! Out here, just this week, we've had no less than a dozen manure wagon drive-by's, the annual Box Elder Bug ("stinkbugs") invasion and a dead skunk in the middle 'o the road! :eek: Admittedly, no flying lead! Man, my hat's off to you, as I'm afraid I would be just a tad more intimidated by all that! Glad nobody was hurt! :)

In the meantime, 'tis truly a worthy cause you have set yourself upon! It's great that someone is taking the time to let these young people know there really is more to life than gangs and guns! :) Kudo's to you, my friend! I have a hunch your efforts will have left some lasting impressions on those "under your wing"! :cool:

Dennis Peacock
09-27-2004, 11:00 AM
Hah! That ain't nuthin'! Out here, just this week, we've had no less than a dozen manure wagon drive-by's, the annual Box Elder Bug ("stinkbugs") invasion and a dead skunk in the middle 'o the road! :eek: Admittedly, no flying lead! Man, my hat's off to you, as I'm afraid I would be just a tad more intimidated by all that! Glad nobody was hurt! :)

Sounds like you and I live in pretty much the same type of territory. Ain't nuttin' better.!!!!

Tyler.....If I were you and I experienced the flying lead deal.....I'd catch me a little bike rider and run that sucker through my table saw!!!!! :eek: :rolleyes:
Where I come from, we don't tollerate that kind of stuff very well. :mad: If you ever meet me in person, as me what was done about a rape situation when I was younger. It put a top to it in a hurry.!!!! ;)

Very nice and keep it up...those folks need people like you Bro....They need attention, teaching and instruction. What you did will be remembered for a long time. Excellent job my friend.!!! :D

Brad Schmid
09-27-2004, 11:24 AM
Yikes! that is scary.

Admirable job with the Girl Scouts Tyler. Building character and confidence in the younger generation goes a long way to curbing the violence you experienced earlier in the day. Take comfort in the fact that you're making a difference in the lives of some young people.


Jerry Olexa
09-27-2004, 11:53 AM
Tyler you are a good man. Blessed and protected!! You made a positive influence on those young girls and you and your efforts were shielded.They will remember as we do!! Keep it going! Jerry

Tyler Howell
09-27-2004, 12:35 PM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas]Hah! That ain't nuthin'! Out here, just this week, we've had no less than a dozen manure wagon drive-by's, the annual Box Elder Bug ("stinkbugs") invasion and a dead skunk in the middle 'o the road! :eek:


I would love to take some more of these dirty little faces under my wing, but the liability is so great in a shop environment. :(
The dangers of "being alone" with a young man or woman can be so confused, & blown out of proportion these days. I barely talk to the kids unless there parents are around. Some of them are so desperate for attention. I would love to do more.:o
I know I have fond memories of the old coot that had tools, old cars and interesting stuff in their garages and could fix stuff. Often thought "I wanna be like that some day". Self fulfilling prophesy.
I've had to become the grouchy old guy that doesn't want the kids in my yard or touching my stuff out of protection.
When things lighten up a bit at work I want to get back in to organizations that put "old coots" and young folks together so I can again pass on some of this good stuff. I know we have a wealth of knowledge and skill in this bunch of Creekers that can do good.;)
In the mean time I've been asking the kids to go play in the park where they have organized programs, a safe environment and "they wont be messin wid my stuff":rolleyes: .

Donnie Raines
09-27-2004, 12:54 PM
So mean to tell me....it takes all that Gold to make bird houses????...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

Roger Fitzsimonds
09-27-2004, 1:02 PM
Good job Tyler.

Sorry about the drive by. I get my turn with the Girl Scouts in early spring they are going to build blue bird houses at my shop.

Keep up the good work Tyler, It will come back to you.
