View Full Version : EEE-Ultra Shine and Shellawax

Eugene Wigley
10-30-2009, 12:47 AM
Hello everyone. I would like to try some new finishes on some bowls I will be finishing in a week or so. I have some EEE-Ultra Shine paste wax and some Shellawax friction polish I hope to try out on these bowls. Has anyone else used these products? Do you have any tips or advice you can offer?

Thanks in advance.

Rasmus Petersen
10-30-2009, 2:44 AM
EEE Is like liquide sandpaper. use it like that and you should get a nice surface. When the feeling of cutting dissapears crank up the lathe and polish away the wax left over.

Shellwax is like most FP´s i find it easyer to use, not so prone to make stripes.

neil mackay
10-30-2009, 8:56 AM
Both are outstanding products, check over the web site for 'how too's' on each product.


The owner of the business is a turner among other things.

I use the products almost exclusively and ditto Rasmus's comments. Interestingly if sand down to around 320 or even 600. Then apply EEE the finish will be outstanding . Then apply the Shellawax at high speed, you may if you wish you can actually polish the Shellawax with the EEE .

The Shellawax will harden further over a few weeks to the point where you can drink alcohol out of a goblet done up with the Shellawax.

Norm Zax
10-30-2009, 9:52 AM
For those who may have missed the point, EEE or triple-E, is a substitute for Tripoli (buffing compound). Recommended.

Eugene Wigley
10-31-2009, 12:40 AM
Thanks for the info. So far the only finish I have used on turnings is oil and wax. I am Looking forward to trying a new finish. The tips and the link will make this turn out a lot better with less ageivation I'm sure.

Ern Reeders
11-06-2009, 12:55 AM
Bear in mind that if the target is bowls/platters you need Shellawax Cream. The liquid dries out too fast.

neil mackay
11-06-2009, 7:41 PM

The link is to all the Ubeaut range of product information on usage, tricks and common problems