View Full Version : New Kid

Brian William
10-29-2009, 1:28 PM
Hello all I'm new to the forum as of last night. I live in Vancouver. Looking forward to learning from all you pros. My first project is a Morris chair. I sat in one about a month ago,and didn't want to get out of it. So I knew I had to have one. I have a friend that was a cabinet maker for 50 years,and said that he had some material that he wanted to get rid of. Sure, sounds like a good deal. Well, when I went to pick it up,much to my suprise it was all Japenese white oak. So now I have a pile of this stuff thats 3 feet high an 10-12 feet long,and he wouldn't take a penny for it. Just wanted to get rid of it. As far as the wood working goes I have a full shop. But have only built a few things over the years,but nothing like I've seen here. Sorry to be so long winded. Just excited.

Josh Reet
10-29-2009, 1:42 PM
Vancouver BC or WA?

Brian William
10-29-2009, 1:51 PM
Vancouver BC

John Keeton
10-29-2009, 2:25 PM
Welcome Brian! You need to check out the Morris chair thread that is ongoing - some great pics and progress notes.

Sounds like that oak would be perfect for such a project!

Josh Reet
10-29-2009, 3:11 PM
Vancouver BC

Good times. Great city. As long as you don't mind stepping over the druggies in the east-downtown area.

I kid because I love! Hooray for aero bars and 5-alive.

Welcome to SMC.

John Thompson
10-29-2009, 4:15 PM
Welcome Brian.. sounds as if you have a stash of free wood so... to the task my man!

Good luck...

Brian William
10-29-2009, 4:45 PM
thanks John. Yes I've been glued to that thread. Right now it's all going through the thickness planner.

Brian William
10-29-2009, 5:09 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys. I'll no doubt drive you all crazy before this chair is done. Well John, I never go to the east side,can't buy lumber down there.

Bill Wyko
10-29-2009, 6:11 PM
Welcome to the vortex Brian. Once you log in......you can never leave!!! MUahahaaaa.:eek: Congratulations on the wood score too.

gary Zimmel
10-29-2009, 7:07 PM
A warm welcome to the Creek Brian....

Nice score on the oak.
Now all you have to do is get started building that Morris Chair!

David Gendron
10-29-2009, 11:46 PM
And An other welcome Brian but this time from some one in Canada, I'm glad there is an other one of us out here! White oak... Lucky you! I'm looking for some 3 1/2" square pieces quarter sawn... Do you have any??? Anyway, I will find some one day!
let see some Morris chairs building happening!

Sam Layton
10-30-2009, 1:40 AM
Hi Brian, welcome to the Creek. The morris chair will be a great project. I am excited for you. Keep us informed on your progress. Have you given any thought to what kind of upholstery you are going to use?


Brian William
10-30-2009, 10:49 AM
Hi Sam. thanks for the welcome. The upholstey will be done in a material that looks and feels like learther, just can't re call the name.But apparently you can't tell the difference. I have a buddy that does a lot of custom cars,so he is going to do it. I've done a lot of custom painting for him so it's sort of this for that. Think the colour will be in a burgandy.

Sam Layton
10-30-2009, 11:45 AM
Brian, that sounds great. Burgundy will look really good on a morris chair. It is nice that you have someone to trade work with. Saves you both money.
