View Full Version : Homemade Knife

Kenneth Whiting
10-29-2009, 10:46 AM
I've been looking at the knife kits where you make the handles to give as Christmas presents with cutting boards. Then it occurred to me that I have no idea how to attach the handles. Is this explained in the kit or do I need to research it more before hurting someone with a knife that the handle won't stay on?

Ken Fitzgerald
10-29-2009, 10:55 AM

I don't have a clue if the kits tell you how to do it.

I know that on some knives given to me, I've used thick CA glue to reattach the handles when the wood came off the metal and I've used 5 minute epoxy. The only reason one or the other for me, was determined by what was handy at the time.

Some knife handles are riveted on.

george wilson
10-29-2009, 1:56 PM
5 minute epoxy is more flexible than CA or slow curing epoxy. The problem is that the wood moves,especially when wet,and the blade doesn't. I'd get s few 1/4" or 3/16" masonry bits,run them at high speed,and drill holes for rivets,or peened brass rods. This is how I put on kitchen knife handles. Securely clamp the blades when drilling. Overheating the masonry bits melts the brazing,and the carbide falls off. It works fine if you are careful.

Kenneth Whiting
10-29-2009, 4:28 PM
Guess I should have read the additional info a little better. It says assembly instructions are included with the kit. Thanks for the suggestions.