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Zach England
10-28-2009, 11:24 PM

gary Zimmel
10-28-2009, 11:29 PM
If it's low enough it would be a pretty nifty water and food bowl stand for our Golden Retriever...

Zach England
10-28-2009, 11:35 PM
HAHA nice. I was hoping someone would think it was potty training apparatus, but it is indeed a doggy dish stand holder thingy. Do those have a name? It's for my mom's yellow lab.

gary Zimmel
10-28-2009, 11:39 PM
I'm thinking they are known as "formal doggie dining furniture"...

Norman Pyles
10-28-2009, 11:47 PM
Make some little chairs for them to set on too. :)

Zach England
10-28-2009, 11:50 PM
Supposedly it is better for their digestion to not have to lower their head so far.

gary Zimmel
10-28-2009, 11:57 PM
And it would stop our Golden from following his bowl around the room trying to get that last morsel of food out of his bowl..

Kidding aside Zack, Its a great little project.
If my wife sees it I know what is coming out of my shop next..

kevin loftus
10-29-2009, 1:33 AM
My initial thought was this

http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j233/albyback/OutHouse.jpg :D

John Thompson
10-29-2009, 4:38 PM
Very nice design, Gary. My first thought was "where are the cut-off 55 gallon drums under them" as they seem to recall memories of the few moments I got to spend in base camp in Vietnam. I suppose the barrels are missing at the moment as the rear escheleon boys have removed them.. filled them with diesel fuel and burning the contents to get rid of it before replacing. :D

The secret is now out on how sanitary minded it is in a combat zone! :)

Nice job..

Dan Manning
10-29-2009, 5:29 PM
Geez. That's a nice job. Too bad it went to the dogs...:p
My thought was a Redneck Manually Operated Breast Checking Mashine. :eek:But, I think we can scratch that idea...:o
Again, nice work. BTW, We have Shi-tsus. Less lumber would be needed...

Bill Wyko
10-29-2009, 6:09 PM
For dog food bowls and of the highest quality I might add. Great job. :D

Randall Clark
10-29-2009, 11:53 PM
Are you turning the bowls?