View Full Version : Creeker visit yesterday

Sparky Paessler
09-26-2004, 7:41 AM
Jim Ketron came down yesterday to help me on my shop expansion. We worked on the last area that I am digging out and made some great progress. I should be able to finish up the digging this afternoon! I really appreciated the help! I am sick of digging by now but know the extra space will be great. We did find time to trade some call and pen blanks. I look forward to seeing pictures of your call's Jim. After today's digging I will set the workshop back up to get some mantels made and then it's on to Block laying and pouring concrete. Sorry we were too tired to take pictures but I will take some today of the space that we dug out. Thanks Jim!

Sparky (The Dirt King) :D :D :D

Chris Padilla
09-27-2004, 1:59 PM
Sigh, no pics!! :(

larry merlau
09-27-2004, 2:18 PM
if you know him very well you are one lucky fella, just tell him what you want and its done. he is one fast ohmbreh in the shop building catagory. you better get him back and have him give you another hand and you will be in it buy next week :D good luck and those blisters will go away and you wont rememeber them after you start working in your new shop :D

Sparky Paessler
09-27-2004, 3:38 PM
OK Chris I will get down there tonight and get some pictures! I worked most of yesterday afternoon digging the hole for the cyclone so that I will have enought headroom!

Jerry Olexa
09-27-2004, 7:34 PM
Jim is very good and also very FAST! You're in good hands!

Joe Mioux
09-27-2004, 7:56 PM
Hey Sparky:

How far away does Jim live from you?


Jim Ketron
09-27-2004, 8:26 PM
Thanks Sparky for the call blanks I order the kit from the catalog you gave me! they will be here soon:D. I'll swing by after work Wen or Thur to drop off the Bethlehem Olivewood pen blanks for ya!
Sorry I didn't help longer but the Kids were about to drive me crazy:o.
They had a fun time though they made me show them your shop threads when we got home. They were amazed that where they just came from was on the computer.:D
Thanks Jim

Jim Ketron
09-27-2004, 8:27 PM
Hey Sparky:

How far away does Jim live from you?

Hey Joe I live about 25 miles from Sparky

Sparky Paessler
09-27-2004, 9:57 PM
Well Chris here is a picture of what we worked on this weekend. This space is about 6' wide and 14' deep. we cut out about 5.5' of dirt out of it. At the back end I have dug it 2' deeper to give me a little over 9' of headroom for my cyclone. It still needs some more work on straighting up the wall and leveling up the floor. I think we hauled out about 70 10cf cart loades of dirt.
Thanks Jim for helping me. I think that your kids loved riding back in the cart on the return trips. I will have to get up there and see your new shop!

Sparky (the very tired dirt king)

John Miliunas
09-27-2004, 10:26 PM
All's I can say is that you've embarked on a very, very ambitious project, Sparky! :) You're fortunate in having had the shop-building master come over to give you a hand, too! (I still haven't figured out how he managed to get his shop knocked out so quickly AND, done right, to boot!) Anyhow, it looks like you're making good progress and Jim....It REALLY was right nice of you to go down there and give Sparky some support! :D Good job! :cool:

Sparky Paessler
09-27-2004, 11:39 PM
Thanks John. I think the worst is over now that I have the dirt about all removed. Surely putting in footers and laying block won't be as hard as the digging was! I am about doubleing the size of my workshop with the three areas that I am adding. It was Really nice of Jim to come down to dig in hard red clay. It seems like you have very few friends when you are wanting them to dig. My neighbor from across the street has helped a lot also. (Good kind of neighbor to have.)