View Full Version : Help for beginner

Ian James Webster
10-26-2009, 2:25 PM
Hi all,

I was given a lathe this weekend, Craftsman 351-21717, along with a complete set of tools (well it looks complete to me).

I'd like to learn how to turn bowls. A friend of a friend has offered to come over and show me the basics 'when he has a free moment'. In the mean time would you be kind enough to reccomend a good book or DVD to point me in the right direction?

Thank you so much


Steve Schlumpf
10-26-2009, 2:35 PM
Ian - Welcome to this side of the Creek and also to the Abyss!

Best bowl video out there - in my opinion - is Bill Grumbine's "Turned Bowls Made Easy". It covers every aspect of turning a bowl - from cutting a blank, mounting, gouge cuts, etc.

This is a great place to learn - so if you have questions - be sure to ask!

Ian James Webster
10-26-2009, 2:49 PM
Thank you Steve,

For the welcome and the advise. I'll order a copy of the book today.

Steve Schlumpf
10-26-2009, 3:27 PM
Ian - sorry - Turned Bowls Made Easy is a DVD. I should have been more clear!

Sean Troy
10-26-2009, 4:18 PM
Fill in your information about yourself. If we know where you come from, we would know who lives near you to help you out. Welcome to the creek !!

Ian James Webster
10-26-2009, 5:33 PM
No problem Steve - I've order a copy from Amazon.

Thank you again.


Bernie Weishapl
10-26-2009, 6:50 PM
Welcome to SMC Ian. +1 for Grumbines DVD and From The Tree To The Table by Mike Mahoney is another good one. Keith Rowley has a good DVD and book Woodturning: A Foundation Course. Excellent for beginners.

Kyle Iwamoto
10-26-2009, 9:20 PM
Do you have a GOOD bowl gouge? That is one of the necessities for bowl turning. I have a Sorby, and its good, but pricey. Most here reccommend the Doug Thompson line, but you'll need to make a handle. (not hard really) and save a few dollare. Get a better gouge too. Someday I'll get one too. The good thing about the Sorby, is you can go to your Woodcraft store and bring one home.

Oh, welcome!

Ryan Baker
10-26-2009, 9:22 PM
Yes, Bill Grumbine's DVDs, Richard Raffan -- The New Turning Wood, Mike Mahoney.

Definitely NOT the Keith Rowley DVD -- horrible, horrible DVD.

Ian James Webster
10-27-2009, 12:34 PM
Thanks for all the help, suggestions. I've updated my profile. I've no idea what tools I have, my father gave me a set along with the lathe. Knoing my father they are not the best.
So I should invest in good bowl gouge first of all? Assuming the one I have isn't up to much. I'll check the make of the tools I have at lunchtime and update.
I plan to set up the lathe this weekend and hope to be able to make a few bolws as Christmas gifts. Am I being realistic in this?

Thanks again.


Ian James Webster
10-27-2009, 12:46 PM
OK I just took a look in my truck. I have a set of 'Marples' lathe tools - look to be around 12 - 15 inches long. Plus one Henry Taylor bowl gouge - must be over 20 inches long. Any idea if these are any good?

Richard Madison
10-27-2009, 1:01 PM
Can you show us pictures of what you have. We can probably identify the various tools for you. You will also need a grinder and probably some kind of sharpening jig. This is probably on Grumbine's DVD.

Dan Forman
10-27-2009, 4:10 PM
The Taylor gouge is probably a good one, they are a reliable brand using high speed steel.The Marples, questionable, but will suffice until you can replace them. On the Marples, does it say whether they are HSS or carbon steel? One way to tell is that HSS will make fewer and smaller sparks as you grind, carbon steel sparks are more abundant, larger, and whiter. Carbon steel will need sharpening more often, and if they are burned while grinding (discolored), will need to be ground back past the blue portion, which will have lost it's temper. HSS are much more forgiving, no need to worry about burning them.


Ian James Webster
10-27-2009, 4:44 PM
I'll take some pictures tonight

Ian James Webster
10-27-2009, 4:47 PM
Nor really sure - I don't have a grinder but I do have a jet wet sharpening system - like the Tormek. Can I use this?