View Full Version : Outstanding Service-Randy Privett

Hilel Salomon
10-26-2009, 2:15 PM

Not only are Randy's hollowing tools remarkable, but his attention to service is outstanding. A few weeks ago, I posted a question about rust and tools being stuck, got a lot of kind advice, but when everything I tried on them failed, I called Randy and he said to send them over to him. I explained that the trouble wasn't with his tools, but with the place I stored them being so damp (we've had tons of rain and my shop is in my basement). He said that it didn't matter and that I should send them anyway. I sent the things to him last Monday and got replacements today, some fixed, some replaced. I am a total pain.... have called him for advice on numerous occasions, and yet he always deals with me patiently and helpfully.
Now if I could get him to be Postmaster General or the CEO of phone companies, we'd all benefit.

Bernie Weishapl
10-26-2009, 7:00 PM
I agree Hilel Randy is outstanding in his service. He has always treated me well and went above and beyond.

Richard Madison
10-26-2009, 8:49 PM
+1 on that!

Cody Colston
10-26-2009, 9:57 PM
It's great to hear about outstanding service. Usually, all we hear are the rants (I'm guilty, too) and there are lots of companies and people like Randy that go beyond what is required to satisfy their customers. Thanks for posting.