View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-26-2009, 11:15 AM
26 Oct 2009

Good Morning,
We had 3 days of no rain and but now we are clouding up again. I really, really need a couple of weeks of good weather.

Been working a good bit at the day job, but I am thankful for the job. Been cleaning up the shop and the firewood pile. Most of the split wood is now stacked but I still have about a chord or wood left to stack. I finished up and delivered the shadow box last week and I learned that when you need a door frame that is only 3/4" wide by 3/4" tall? You really need good straight lumber. I made 3 shadow boxes and only one did not warp on me. Talk about frustrated!!

Been doing some session bass guitar playing as well as playing at church most every Sunday. I just wish I was a better bass player and am always trying to find ways to improve. I guess the search never ends.

Today I have to take the borrowed wood splitter back and thus ending my season for splitting firewood. I thing my body will be glad too.!!

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Wilbur Pan
10-26-2009, 11:31 AM
Our woodworking club (the Central Jersey Woodworkers Association) has been in need of a serious upgrade to our website. We've been working on this for the past few weeks, but this weekend I finally put the finishing touches on it. I still have to get some archival material transferred over, but it's up and running.

This was pretty exciting for me, as it's the first website I've ever put together.

The link is below. Please take a look. If anyone has any comments/suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Central Jersey Woodworkers Association website (http://www.cjwa.org/)

Derek Gilmer
10-26-2009, 11:40 AM
Our woodworking club (the Central Jersey Woodworkers Association) has been in need of a serious upgrade to our website. We've been working on this for the past few weeks, but this weekend I finally put the finishing touches on it. I still have to get some archival material transferred over, but it's up and running.

This was pretty exciting for me, as it's the first website I've ever put together.

The link is below. Please take a look. If anyone has any comments/suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Central Jersey Woodworkers Association website (http://www.cjwa.org/)
I like the color scheme and layout there. Not anything negative to say :)

As for my accomplishments, not much. Helped the wife with a halloween arts and crafts project for work and continued putting samples of stain down to find the color I like for a coffee table/chest I'm working on.

On vacation this week so hopefully I can make some progress out in the shop. Going to try making the clock and excavator for Nov wood magazine to give as gifts to some friends.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-26-2009, 11:42 AM
We moved everything out of the master bedroom and began the process of painting it. I got two coats on the ceiling and started cutting in the walls.

I love the LOML but even after 41 years I sometimes find myself not understanding her. She spenty over a week....going to HD and get a little 4 oz. jar of a different color of grey paint. She would come home and paint a 12" area on 3 different walls so she could analyze the results based the lighting. 7 shades of grey.....21 12" squares around the room. Her constant mantra was "Anything but white"......well we are not painting it grey........we are painting it white? Her statement "You did notice it's not off-white??

Did I mention I love that woman?:confused:

Shawn Pixley
10-26-2009, 12:22 PM
I spent it finishing up the rough work on my gate project. The lattice work was completed (Rip, square, Mortise, etc..). Then disassembled gate for sanding and clean shop / garage to park cars. I think it a bit quaint that I should consider the garage a place to park.

Dan Gill
10-26-2009, 1:00 PM
I glued up a couple of cutting board blanks. We have a 2-year-old foster son in the house at the moment, and for some strange reason he is taking up a good bit of my time. Go figure.

Matt Meiser
10-26-2009, 1:41 PM
Worked on the kitchen all day Saturday with lots of help from friends. Sunday worked on drawings for the contractor to install windows, met with him and discussed a ton of details.

daniel lane
10-26-2009, 2:59 PM
Had friends visiting from out of town, so didn't get to the workshop. However, Sunday my son called me "dada" for the first time. :D


JohnT Fitzgerald
10-26-2009, 3:31 PM
I finally got the kids out and had them help me put up some Halloween decorations. Of course they didn't have quite the same "vision" I had for some of them, but this year I let them take the lead and I do admit they did pretty well. No climbing of ladders for them though.....that's my job :)

I did get a little "project" going with my 6 year old. He is great to have in the shop - very curious, full of questions, and he thinks my workshop is just the cats meow. I think I spent more time making sure he stayed safe, but it was a lot of fun.

Ben Hatcher
10-26-2009, 4:27 PM
I got to spend a few hours last night on my shop rearrangement project. I built a cutoff cart. I’m amazed at how much better it works than my old horizontal storage setup. I have a new working theory: vertical racks are for stock you actually plan to use in this lifetime. It is so easy to find and retrieve scraps now. Before, if I could find something, odds were good that it was buried and was generally a pain in the neck to get to.

Anyway, the equipment, lumber, and storage cabinets are in their new places. Most of the DC ducting is installed. I guess the next project is getting the “stuff” back into the cabinets. Shop organization projects are fun for me. I have a bunch of tools that I inherited and use so infrequently that I forget I have them. Pulling everything out of the cabinets and putting it back in is almost like shopping at a store where everything is free! Even if I don't need it, the price is always right.

Dan Gill
10-26-2009, 4:53 PM
Had friends visiting from out of town, so didn't get to the workshop. However, Sunday my son called me "dada" for the first time. :D


Excellent! A day to remember for sure.

Joe Mioux
10-26-2009, 8:52 PM
Shot some clay birds and let my pointer run a bit out in the fields.

Quail season opens in two weeks!

Fred Voorhees
10-26-2009, 9:03 PM
From Thursday evening until Sunday morn, the better halfs and my weekend was pretty much consumed by having our grandson visit. I love the kid immensely and it was great having him, but a kid this age is an investment of your time! No doubt about that. They need constant supervision, so we took turns with him. To compound things, he is teething and currently has one or two coming through, so he wasn't in the best of moods. Still, he's our grandson and I would have done it all over again if given the chance. I did manage to change my first "poopy" diaper over the weekend....a milestone!:eek: Between it all, I did manage to get out in the shop and get over another hump in the thirty one tissue box covers that I am making. Of course, while Josh was here, we had to snap some pics. Below is he and I after I had gotten home from work Friday and we both decided to take a snoozer for wee bit.

Jim Becker
10-26-2009, 10:07 PM
Cleaned the gutters (again), fixed a hole in the drywall of our upstairs hallway and rode Elvis a couple of times. A little work-work, too. Unfortunately on the latter.