View Full Version : What comes first - edge banding or polyurethane coating?

Philip Florio
10-25-2009, 6:02 PM
I'm building a router table from plans from Wood magazine {Sept 09, issue 192, page 56, Router table and Organizer}

I plan on using edge banding but for the self adhesive banding would I put the banding on first then the wipe on polyurethane?


Harold Shay
10-25-2009, 11:27 PM
I would put the banding on first if it is wood. If you are using tee lock rubber I would put that on last.

Philip Florio
10-25-2009, 11:41 PM

It's the iron on type. Makes sense unless you tape up the edges first.


Phil Phelps
10-26-2009, 8:23 AM

It's the iron on type. Makes sense unless you tape up the edges first.


FWIW, iron on is not very good. Why not rip some 1/4" hardwood and glue it on. You will be much better off in the long run. MHO.

Prashun Patel
10-26-2009, 8:58 AM
However you do it (iron on or glue on hardwood) the glue will require unsealed wood on the edge to bond properly.

Further, finishing AFTER the banding will allow the finish to level the seam on the band, giving a smoother, flowing surface.

So, I go for AFTER. The only time I'd consider prefinishing is in box assemblies where it's hard to get into corners, or where you have transitions in color.