View Full Version : Woodworking show, syracuse NY

Ned Bulken
09-24-2004, 11:28 PM
good show all around. They didn't fill the building, but there are plenty of vendors available ranging from very knowledgeable woodworkers, to carnies with upscale jobs. Freud, Fein, Woodline, Peachtree, TWC (The Woodworker's Choice) all had strong presences. As did Porter Cable, Minimax, Laguna and PSWood. John and I walked the whole show once, then went back and purchased a few items.
I listened to a couple of the seminars, but they're mainly hawking new products for their respective sponsors. Not a bad thing, but I went more for the shopping.
The Haul from the show included a couple of Router bits from Hickory (Viper/oldham's alternate line) to replace/augment those I cannoned yesterday. One 1/2" straight and another 1/8" upcut spiral bit. A template set for the router, some T-handled Allen wrenches, some nitrile gloves (hopefully this will help overcome my problems with Watco), and then there were the 'big' purchases.

I decided to get a better DC bag set, picked up a 5 micron bag, and then wandered down to the PS Woods display. There I bit the bullet and bought two new blades for the bandsaw. Timberwolves one 3/16 and one 1/4. The 3/16 is already on the saw, wow what a difference. I can make more bandsawn boxes now, the el cheapo craftsman blades are history. They had a deal 4 blade set for $70, but i just couldn't swing that with my other purchases, especially since I'm saving up for the G0555 hopefully by christmas. Then I'll buy the 4 blade set.

Put the 3/8 through its paces, whipped out a beautiful little puzzle box out of mahogany in about 5 minutes flat. Still need to glue, sand etc..., but the blade did an excellent job, so that's just fine tuning, nothing major. Smooth as silk on all cuts.

Lloyd Brown
09-25-2004, 9:49 AM
I got the smart miter from jointech. I assembled it this morning, OH, what a dream! The only glich was the plastic bolt would not thread into the tenoning jig far enough. I cut the bolt shorter and now it works ( i will e-mail the co. about still).
I also purchased the " flee- sander". I hope it works and I was not taken by the "up-scale carnnie" as you put it. I will post back about it when I have it up and running. I have to wait for the motor.
Boy, you sure can blow alot of money at these thing. There are thing I wanted but forgot to go back to get. That ok though I really need to pay for these first.

Jim Becker
09-25-2004, 10:07 AM
Ned, before you buy that four blade deal from PSWood, talk with Suffolk Machinery (http://www.suffolkmachinery.com)...the manufacturer of Timberwolf. Prices will likely be lower!

Joseph N. Myers
09-25-2004, 11:39 AM

I agree with Jim Becker about checking out Suffork. Looking at their site which Jim supplied, looks like you can get get 4 blades (of various sizes) for around $50., about a 1/3 off. That is at least the discount I've gotten in the past and once, upwards to 50% (some special event).

Give them a call. I and others on the forum (at least that's what other posts have said) have had excellent help from their technical support dept. And order a catalog from them --- makes interesting reading.

And talking about interesting reading, order the Irurra Design catalog, 888-722-7078, kall@comcast.net, no web site. It is 202 pages full of all types of information on everything dealing with band saws, history, what works/doesn't work, tuning, etc.

Regards, Joe

thomas prevost
09-25-2004, 6:19 PM
I hate those things. I go to just look and always walk away with an empty wallet.:) :) Picked up the Kreg miter with all the bells and whistles and the pocket hole complete kit with extra clamp and drill bit for $264 including tax for the total. Paid $51 for CMT 10" x 40 ABT.

Was disappointed somewhat that there weren't more tool manufacturers present. I would have liked to see Festools, Milwalkee, Delta, Powermatic, etc. Locally these tools are purchased on special order, thus no feely prior to purchase. Shows are what I depend upon to do the seey-feely.

PLEASE, PLESE no more thread on this. But I talked with the vendor selling Forrest blades. At first claimed no problems. Then he stated all he had seen were caused by "misuses by owners". Then another person commented he lost teeth within the first few hours and it cost him for repair. The vendors response was "We sell them, not make them. If you have problems send them back to Forrest." End of discusssion.

Gredo Goldenstein
09-25-2004, 6:20 PM
Has anyone noticed what TWC is selling the Akeda dovetail jig for at these shows? Does it come with any extras? There is a show here in Minneapolis in 3 weeks. I am still on that Akeda/Leigh fence.


Gredo Goldenstein
09-25-2004, 6:22 PM
Tenoning jig for Smart Miter? I bought a Smart Miter from Jointech last April and dont remember that. Please tell me more.

Fred Voorhees
09-25-2004, 7:15 PM
DANG!!!!! I'm probably going to miss that show this year. Ned - how long does the show go on up there at the Fairgrounds? I am coming up there this Friday for Super DIRT Week and will be camping on the grounds. Last year, the woodworking show was being held while I was up there. I guess they are either a week earlier this year, or we are a week later this year. DRAT! I guess it is still held at the Center of Progress building right?

Lloyd Brown
09-25-2004, 7:21 PM
They had the nerve to put us in the COW BARN! no the show is only 24,25,26

Ned Bulken
09-25-2004, 7:30 PM
yesterday I picked up the 'minimum' for the current 12" saw, and when I get 'tuit I'll be sure and order from the importer/manufacturer at suffolk. Thanks for the tip! I don't mind paying a little more yesterday as I learned quite a bit at the booth, without pressure. He earned the sale by being a woodworker, who was honestly showing a good product, vs the carnie who tried to hawk a clamp system to me.

I want to do some resawing and the little 12" just isn't cutting it, however the g0555 will have a new home sometime over the winter.

I spent a bit more than I had planned, but they were on good stuff for the shop, and on things I couldn't find locally, such as the nitrile gloves. I have had some problems with Watco, which I love using, but get the worst reaction when I do, wind up very sluggish for a day or two. I forget if it was here or on WWA, someone opined that I might be absorbing the finish through the gloves I was using (vinyl or latex depending on what box I grabbed from the cabinet). They suggested Nitrile, which I hadn't been able to find.

THey'll be elsewhere, but I'll gladly get together for a cup of coffee or a shop tour if you've got some free time that week. will send you a PM with contact info.

Fred Voorhees
09-25-2004, 7:53 PM
Ned, got your contact info and jotted down you cell #. Will have it on hand when I'm up your way. Saturday is definitely out as I will be at a dirt track race the entire day. Sunday and Monday are definitely a possibility for a shop tour. Thanks for the invite.

scott spencer
09-25-2004, 10:54 PM
I managed to hitch a ride with three other buddies who were going to the Syracuse show. Fortunately the only remnants of cows was the aroma as you walked through the door! (gotta love central NY! ...LOL). That was definitely a down grade from the better building last October.

Akeda had a pretty cool exhibit. I'll add a few to Ned's list - Forrest was there, Logosol, Oldham, On-Line Inustries, Jointech....I didn't spot Incra though....anyone else see them?

My purchases were limited to a 2" square and "one-third" of a WWII. My Forrest WWII was a gift from fellow "Creeker", Tom Pritchard more than a year ago. We have a mutual friend who was part of the foursome today (Tom couldn't make it). This guy's a fine wwer, great guy, and has been talking about getting a Forrest blade forever, but with five kids he's just never been able to pull the trigger....so today we did. It just seemed right to pay Tom's favor forward, and pitch in to buy a WWII for Matt today. Matt felt a little awkward at first, but we're all happy he's got something nice that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise. The guys from Forrest were happy too!

Good show....great time.... What's not to like about a road trip (without snow...) with buddies to a wwing show?!

Joseph N. Myers
09-25-2004, 11:17 PM
If you want a "big" woodworking show, there is the Woodworkers one in Ft Washington, PA, Nov 5-7, Fri-Sun. Ft. Washington is right outside of Phila, maybe 5 miles from the intersection of the turnpike and the Northeast extension, some 4 hours from Syracuse.

In addition, on Sat, Nov 6, Penn State (also know as MLCS) is having a Turn-A-Thon. They are located about 25 minutes from the show.

Regards, Joe