View Full Version : First hollow Turny thing

Dave Dionne
10-23-2009, 6:26 PM
So this is my first attempt at turning anything besides a pen.

I found an old piece of Cherry burl, so I thought why not, I have to say I do not have a bowl gouge or a scraper so the challange was to make something with the three piece gouge set I bought to turn pens with a couple of years ago.

Had lots of catchs, took a little time to figure out how to do things with the tools I have, did kind of make a scraper out of a old railroad spike I had found hacksawed it off, used a file then grinder to try and put a hook on it, worked ok.


Not real happy with the end result but it didn't go into the wood stove so not a total loss. (love the wood stove to purge my mistakes.

2 coats of Watco Danish oil when done.

Please feel free to beat me onto the correct path lol

Thanks for your input


Ted Calver
10-23-2009, 6:53 PM
Dave, Not bad for a railroad spike and some pen tools!! Think what you could do with a bowl gouge!!

Bernie Weishapl
10-23-2009, 7:23 PM
Not bad for the tools you have. I would get a bowl gouge before doing anymore as a spindle gouge is especially a roughing gouge is not a good idea for a bowl.

alex carey
10-23-2009, 7:32 PM
great first attempt especially using what you had. Looking forward to more once you get more set up.

Dave Dionne
10-23-2009, 9:12 PM
Thanks guys

I had a great time, looking forward to getting some more gouges as money allows.

Thanks Again


Steve Schlumpf
10-24-2009, 12:20 AM
Dave - that's a pretty good job! Really good looking wood! The others have already suggested tools - I would like to suggest a different form for next time. The form you turned - which you did a really nice job on - just happens to be one of the hardest forms to do well because of the steep sides. Next time try more of a curve and - with the proper tools - you will find that turning a bowl is actually a lot easier than your first experience!

Looking forward to your next turning!