View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
10-23-2009, 8:55 AM
Friday October 23, 2009


Cold, rainy, windy. :( That's our weather this week with more of the same through the weekend. It's really hampering my finishing up the winterizing efforts outside. The leaves have just started to fall off the trees, which is a bummer. I usually leave the mower deck on the tractor so I can mulch the leaves, but I may have to switch over to the snow thrower as snow is predicted for early next week.

I was going to try and get my Christmas lights up this weekend, but that may have to wait with the aforementioned weather. Not sure what I'll be doing other than that. At least there's some football on this weekend. Hopefully we'll get the Steelers/Vikings game Sunday on TV.

What's on the agenda for you this weekend? Fun, games, work......?

Whatever's going on I hope you accomplish what you set out to do and please be SAFE while doing it.


Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2009, 9:00 AM
Paint the bedroom.

10-23-2009, 9:14 AM
Plumbing repairs on my nephew's house.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.:(


Joe Leigh
10-23-2009, 9:22 AM
Start the yearly leaf patrol....winterize the boat...

Howard Jahnke
10-23-2009, 10:24 AM
Going to pick up new unused Performax 16-32 drum sander and DW-735 planer I found on CL. $700 for both. Can't pass up.:D

Rod Sheridan
10-23-2009, 10:48 AM
Setting up a 1935 BSA at an awards banquet on Saturday.

Diann is taking a finishing course at Lee Valley on Saturday.

Maybe Sunday I'll get the shop cleaned up after making two pieces of baseboard for a friend.

Regards, Rod.

JohnT Fitzgerald
10-23-2009, 10:51 AM
Going to pick up new unused Performax 16-32 drum sander and DW-735 planer I found on CL. $700 for both. Can't pass up.:D

OK, gloating is one thing, but bragging is another... ;) congrats on your soon-to-be-acquisition, and remember to post pics!

Michael Weber
10-23-2009, 11:18 AM
Remove old asbestos insulation from some ductwork that I need to take out to upgrade the HVAC. Got a sprayer, plastic sheeting, respirator, tyvek suit, rubber gloves......still :(

Matt Meiser
10-23-2009, 5:15 PM
Two words: Sanding party.

Got friends coming this weekend to help with the kitchen. My priorities, in order are: final sanding of the doors/drawers/end panels, putting Seal-a-Cell on them, and installing drawers.

Also need to go over to mom and dad's to see the demo'd space in person.

Michael Schapansky
10-23-2009, 7:07 PM
I have 3 trees to take down. 2 for firewood 1 for BBQ wood. Next weekend I'll rent a log splitter and when done with that, stack the pieces. Then my winter heat will be done and my food wood will be done for the foreseeable future. If I'm lucky I'll stop and get some paint to finish my first ever cabinet for the tack room. Then start November billing for my business.

Francis Robinson
10-23-2009, 7:36 PM
I'm going to clear out some more of the farm shop so I can finish two tractor engine rebuilds soon with room enough to turn around. Dang "pack-elves" keep filling empty spots up. :)
I also want to clean out some more of the wood shop. I made some serious progress on it a few days ago and want to maintain the momentum. Otherwise what I have cleaned up so far will fill back in like the dead sea after the crossing. :D
I need to move some machinery out of a building I am converting into a small stable with storage and a tack room.
Some day I might even get to do some more woodworking.

Cody Colston
10-23-2009, 8:57 PM
It seems the only time I notice these "weekend doins" threads is when I am at work so...

My plan for the weekend, in industry lingo, is to:

RIH with a divertor sub on 5 7/8" dp. to 14,820 ft. MD. Squeeze the 13 5/8" casing shoe per the procedure with 100 bbls premium cement. Hold final squeeze pressure 8 hours and POOH with the divertor sub. P/U the 12 1/4" x 14 3/4" directional BHA and RIH. Drill out the cement, CBU and conduct another LOT/FIT. If test is successful (12.4 ppg EMW) drill ahead to section TD at ~18,600 ft.

That will keep me busy tonight. :D

Joe Mioux
10-23-2009, 9:05 PM
work, then hopefully a little ww'g on my china cabinet.

out to dinner with some friends in StL. Tuckers Place for steaks. yummy.

Sunday, hopefully more ww'g in the am, but in the afternoon take Sugar, my English pointer out to a friends farm. we will shoot some clay birds, and let the dogs work a couple fence rows, just to get their noses accustomed to Quail again, then hopefully eat some pizza made in my friend's new outdoor wood pizza oven. more yummy!

Dennis McGarry
10-23-2009, 9:31 PM
Lets see...

Start with cleaning ou the basic little shed tomorrow and setting up lathe, ts and bs in there, while getting the "shop" cleaned out and ready.

Then going to see about drilling some blanks and making a few pens. I am moving up from slimlines only and going to try a couple wall street II's in acrylic.

Mike Heidrick
10-23-2009, 10:21 PM
Have a sick little girl so taking care of her #1.

Just put on the last coat of drywall mud in spare bedroom (megans new room) so sand it again in the morning and sand out the cracks I filled in the walk in closet off that room.
Get rid of an old dresser in that room, take apart the bed, as well and prep for paint.
Need to either find the trim that was on the room's window or begin to make some.