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View Full Version : Question for the Hammer A3-31 Owners

Doug Shepard
10-22-2009, 6:25 PM
Talked to my Felder rep today and made arrangements to pay the balance on my J/P which should be here in about 3 weeks. Then he brings up the fact that they're having a 15% off All Accesories special until the end of the month and is there anything else I need? I already splurged for the digital handwheel readout and some DC hookup parts. But how many of you got the extra extension tables or wish they had? I can see a lot of appeal of having one on the outfeed side of the planer and maybe an extra mounting bracket so I could use it on the jointer too. I'd rather it be a 25% off sale, but the last one of these they had didn't include the extension tables so I'm thinking it's buy now or pay list price later.

Narayan Nayar
10-22-2009, 6:40 PM
I've got an extension table. If I remember correctly, you only need one (extra) mounting bracket. To use the table with your jointer, it mounts onto the same rail that the jointer fence uses. An extra bracket will allow you to mount it to the planer bed.

I've used the extension table a few times and was glad to have it. Whether they were necessary or not I'll never know, but they made things a bit easier. On the jointer infeed, I can balance a long board more easily. On the planer outfeed, I get a little more time to run around the machine. Apparently they also work on Hammer bandsaws, which would be very cool, but I don't have one of those.

I'd get a few extra blade sets. The cobalts are nice. At 15% off, getting a pair of spares would set you up for a nice long while.

Ted Calver
10-22-2009, 6:56 PM
I bought the extensipn table and the extra bracket. Now I wish I had waited for this sale. Just be aware that it is a heavy aluminium extrusion and is only 6" wide. I didn't do my research and was thinking it would be the full width of the bed. I works fine though. No regrets. I think I'll take Narayan's suggestion and get a couple extra sets of blades.

Leigh Betsch
10-22-2009, 7:34 PM
I don't have the Hammer I have a Mini Max FS41. I thought the tables were plenty long at 84" (I think) now I wish they were longer. I'd spring for the extensions, course you could probably make something also. I'd also pick up a extra set of blades, I've got Tersa so they are designed to be tossed instead of sharpened.

Brad Shipton
10-22-2009, 7:35 PM
I am not a huge fan of the 16" cantilever ones, but the 30" versions with the leg are very useful for long stock. I have found the 16" ones sag if you are planning larger stock, but maybe that will not be the case for you. I have a pair of the 16" extensions collecting dust.


Doug Shepard
10-23-2009, 2:02 PM
Well I've decided to definitely pick up a spare set of blades but I'm still tossing ideas around re the extension tables. My current DW733 lunchbox planer has flip down extension tables (about 12" x 12") on both the infeed and outfeed side and I'm real use to having those there. I'm toying with getting 2 tables and leaving them more or less permanently mounted for the planer and just setting up roller stands if I need longer support for the jointer. Can anyone tell me how far the jointer projects out on each end past the planer? Is there room for a 16" extension on each end without sticking past the jointer bed? If that doesn't stick out further than the normal storage footprint, that would work out for the better.

Rod Sheridan
10-23-2009, 3:45 PM
The jointer table length is 55", the planer 21" so you have 17" of overhang on each end.

Therefore the 500-101 table extension at 16" long wouldn't stick out past the jointer tables.

Darn smart those Austrians are:D

Regards, Rod.

P.S. Buy 3 X 500-102 mounting rails and use the two extension tables on the planer or jointer.

Regards, Rod.

Brad Shipton
10-23-2009, 3:46 PM
Doug, there are no holes on the infeed side to mount an extension. It would make it very difficult to get to the crank to adjust the height. Maybe you can mount one, but I dont know. I am pretty sure the 16" on the outfeed side of the planer will not extend past the end of the jointer table.

The 16" extensions are handy for planing operations since they are mostly to stop the stock from falling off.


PS: The roller stand does not work worth a darn.


Doug Shepard
10-23-2009, 3:57 PM
P.S. Buy 3 X 500-102 mounting rails and use the two extension tables on the planer or jointer.

Regards, Rod.

You folks are so good at spending my money:D

Muchos gracias for the measurements. Here's one other thought I've been having on the planer bed. Make a 3/4" melamine surface that runs all the way through and rests on the bed. On both ends, make a torsion box (maybe 2" thick) underneath the melamine that would also trap the edges of the planer bed. Would that work? I've read that you need to make a whole bunch of cranks during changeovers. Would having a 3/4" piece on top of the planer bed block me from being able to lower it enough to do the changeover? If that works I could go wider than the 6" Felder extensions and use the money to get the longer leg supported extension for use on the jointer. ???

Rod Sheridan
10-23-2009, 4:14 PM
Brainfade, as Doug pointed out there aren't holes on the infeed planer table because the extension would interfere with the elevation crank.

You need 3 mounting rails, however the first one is the one the fence is on.

The other one is on my bandsaw.

I'd avoid the melamine table idea. You bought a good planer that has no snipe, no point adding stuff to it to it now.

The one important item however is to keep the table well waxed or use Gleit? since the table doesn't have rollers in it.

Regards, Rod.

Rod Sheridan
10-23-2009, 4:18 PM
Brad, thanks for the view of your machine, I wondered what the US machines looked like.

Mine has a much larger (12" X 12") electrical box to hold the contactors, fuses, capacitors etc.

Regards, Rod.

Jim Becker
10-23-2009, 7:55 PM
Well I've decided to definitely pick up a spare set of blades ...

You absolutely want to take advantage of the sale for extra sets of knives. You WILL need them at some point and that point should be the one where you don't have any in the shop! ;)

Scot Ferraro
10-23-2009, 8:22 PM
Hi Doug,

Get the blades. I have done fine without the extensions, although it would be nice to have on the planer at times....I use some of the Home Depot stands for the jointer and they have worked very well -- I jointed 9 foot long 8/4 maple without any issues. I was able to plane these boards too using the stands, but you do have to adjust them as you change the thickness height -- kind of a pain, but for the amount of time that the planer length is not long enough vs. the cost, it works for me. I have planed 5 - 6 foot boards with no issue with just the planer bed. They have not put these on sale before, so if you are going to spring for them now would be the time.


Scot Ferraro
10-23-2009, 8:37 PM
I just looked at the catalog and the website and I do not think that the Hammer extensions are on sale nor are the blades...not everything is 15% off. The extensions listed are the "F" style -- I think these might still work, but you need to buy different mounting brackets and the holes might not align in the same place. An F style would not work on the jointer infeed as its bar is different. You might want to double check compatability before you buy or ask you rep to confirm. If the blades truly are on sale, please respond back -- it would be a great time to stock up.


Doug Shepard
10-23-2009, 8:52 PM
Brad - Thanks for the info on the planer infeed. I think I was typing a reply and missed your post earlier.
Scot - I haven't seen a sale flyer or checked their site but when I was talking to the Felder rep and asked about the extensions he said I could get 15% off on those. Didn't ask about the blades at the time so maybe those aren't 15% off but I should probably get a set regardless.

One more question. Are there any tools required to move an extension from one mount to another? Any changeover time? Or do they just rest on the mounting brackets and you just pick them up and move them?

Scot Ferraro
10-23-2009, 9:49 PM
Thanks, Doug. There is a kip lever on the tables so it is a simple matter of loosening it, taking the table off and then tightening it -- a 10 - 15 second switchover.


Cliff Rohrabacher
10-23-2009, 10:06 PM
I did not get the extensions.
I've jointed and planned pieces as long as 10'
Not a problem with the cast iron tables.

I'd suggest you spend your $$ on something else.
Maybe cutters you can always use cutters.

Jamie Buxton
10-23-2009, 10:38 PM
I have an A3-31 which is eight years old. It came with a 16 inch extender. I tried it a few times, and haven't used it since. Like Cliff, I get along without it just fine.

Knives would be a much better investment. I go through a set in approximately two pieces of furniture.

Brad Shipton
10-23-2009, 11:01 PM
Rod, mine is a Canadian machine also. I have had it for a few years now.

Doug Shepard
10-28-2009, 12:32 PM
Well I decided to save a bit and just got 1 mounting rail + 16" extension for now for the planer outfeed. Plus 2 sets of cobalt knives. I'll play it by ear on whether I think I want to anything extension-wise for the jointer after I play with the beastie for a while.
Scot - I was able to get the 15% applied to all of it, including the knives though I think you may have to call your Felder rep and talk them into that?

Brian Tax
10-28-2009, 1:20 PM
I just received my A3-31, and I am planning on using for a while before buying any extensions. I am wondering if it would be possible to build some kind of torsion box extension tables? I think that they could be bolted on to the table, except where the fence attaches. Any thoughts on that?

Chris Tsutsui
10-28-2009, 2:05 PM
The sales rep told me he doesn't even sell standard cutter blades and that he will only sell Cobalt blades because the regular ones burn up too quickly.

Anyways, I've decided not to get the extension tables because I can always get them during their next sale... heh

http://www.flex-innovations.com/IMG_7179_small.JPG (http://www.flex-innovations.com/IMG_7179.JPG)http://www.flex-innovations.com/IMG_7178_small.JPG (http://www.flex-innovations.com/IMG_7178.JPG)

Here are some shots of my 2008 "California" version.

Nick Lazz
10-28-2009, 2:16 PM
Hi guys, new here.

I am just about ready to pull the trigger on the A3-31. I think the 15% off acc might just do it.
With that said, I am ordering the chuck for the mortiser just in case I get one in the future, but at 15% OFF that saves $117 alone on the mortising attachment.
What do you think? Is it worth having? I wouldn't be doing a lot of mortising, but with a drill press, already seems like a lot of dough for the attachment.



Chris Tsutsui
10-28-2009, 2:29 PM
here's my decision.

1. Get a dedicated mortiser (I.E. Laguna horizontal mortiser) when it goes on sale. Not much more expensive than Hammer attachment, separate unit means it will always be ready to use and I can keep it setup a certain way.

2. Get the Mortiser Attachment for the A3. Find some place to store that attachment when the J/P is in use which will be 95%+ of the time.

3. Just use my drill press & hollow chisel mortiser/tenoning jig that I already have, and use the saved $ to get a domino. Takes up far less space, and easy to move around and use.

I probably will get the most use out of a domino... :p

Hi guys, new here.

I am just about ready to pull the trigger on the A3-31. I think the 15% off acc might just do it.
With that said, I am ordering the chuck for the mortiser just in case I get one in the future, but at 15% OFF that saves $117 alone on the mortising attachment.
What do you think? Is it worth having? I wouldn't be doing a lot of mortising, but with a drill press, already seems like a lot of dough for the attachment.



John Harden
10-28-2009, 2:55 PM
here's my decision.

1. Get a dedicated mortiser (I.E. Laguna horizontal mortiser) when it goes on sale. Not much more expensive than Hammer attachment, separate unit means it will always be ready to use and I can keep it setup a certain way.

2. Get the Mortiser Attachment for the A3. Find some place to store that attachment when the J/P is in use which will be 95%+ of the time.

3. Just use my drill press & hollow chisel mortiser/tenoning jig that I already have, and use the saved $ to get a domino. Takes up far less space, and easy to move around and use.

I probably will get the most use out of a domino... :p

If you want my .02, I like your idea of waiting to see what you think you need. As you know, I just bought the AD741 16", J/P and never once considered buying the mortising attachment.

Personally, I REALLY like my Leigh FMT. It works amazingly well for M&T work. Very easy to set up and use and it has dust collection, which is important when cutting mortises with either a router or J/P based unit as they both create lots of dust.

I recently took a chair making class where they use the Multi-Router. Industrial quality tool that works great, but even after 8 days of using one of them, I still prefer my FMT.

Where the J/P based mortiser or fixed mortiser would come in handy is if I were processing very long boards like you'd find on an entry door. The FMT is tough to use for these and a J/P mortising attachment would make sense there.

I've heard good things about the Domino, but have never used one, so no comments there.

Just my .02



Chris Tsutsui
10-28-2009, 3:55 PM
Once in a blue moon I see a Leigh FMT go on sale on craigslist.

Both times I saw it in the past year I missed out...

I often let the "deals" make the decisions for me which is why I even have the Hammer A3 in the first place. Maybe "waiting" sometimes does pay off. :D

BTW, don't let the "limited time only" sales of companies pressure you into buying right away. These companies get so many sales during their discount periods that they already plan for the next one.

Not to mention the prices are negotiable as far as I've heard so if you talked to a rep about getting 15% off if you buy this and that... Then I would'nt be suprised if you got a sale price during a non-sale period. If that doesn't work out, then just wait if you don't "need" the tool until there is a sale.

Festool on the other hand is a different story. They don't go on sale unless the item is discontinued and even then it's only like 15-20% off. Then it seems like each year their prices go up. :(

Nick Lazz
10-28-2009, 4:08 PM
Thanks Chris and John.

I think you have helped me quite a bit actually. I like the portability of the Domino and overall that would probably be a better investment for me.

Still haven't decided on the A3-31 yet though. I just sold my 6" jointer because I thought I wanted an 8" and a 15" planer. I originally planned on getting these from Grizzly, but for just a little more I could get the Hammer 12" combo and a lot better quality. I currently have a 12" lunch bucket planer and I could get by with it I suppose...
At least I have ruled out the mortiser.
Thanks for your help.


johnny means
10-28-2009, 9:39 PM
I like my "Euro-comfort guard". It's really nice to have the guard out the way when jointing bigger boards that require a bit more movement on my part. It also allows me to keep my J/P in "edge jointing mode" without 15 inches of guard jutting out into my walkway.