View Full Version : Sycamore Bowl

Rob Cunningham
10-21-2009, 5:29 PM
I finally got some lathe and finished up this Sycamore bowl. I roughed it out several months ago, soaked it in DNA, wrapped it in newspaper to let it dry. It warped a lot in drying so the walls came out thinner than I had planned.They are about 1/8th" at the top and a little thicker towards the bottom. It kept warping as I was finish turning so I just stopped. Maybe I should have taken more of the pith out? There's just a slight hint of spalting if you look hard.The bowl is 6" in diameter and 3" high. Please feel free to critique. Thanks for looking.

alex carey
10-21-2009, 5:36 PM
I'm not keen on the shape but I do like the fact that you included the heart wood in a symmetrical way. Cutting out more of the pith definitely would have made it more stable.

Steve Schlumpf
10-21-2009, 6:35 PM
Rob - I like it!

I keep a large amount of pith in my bowls and hollow forms just because it adds to the color. Your bowl - if turned and DNAed months ago - should have been really dry. So, my guess is that the wood moved more due to stress as you thinned down the bowl than to drying. I have that happen all the time - and you either get faster at turning your bowls - or live with the warp! Hey - just adds to the character!

David E Keller
10-21-2009, 7:13 PM
I like the symmetry in the wood but would like to see the bottom taper to a more narrow foot. I personally don't mind the warping

Bernie Weishapl
10-21-2009, 7:49 PM
Great looking bowl. Well done.