View Full Version : Weekend Doin's...

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 11:29 AM
Mornin' Folks.!! It's Friday and time to see what everybody's up to for this weekend.

I'm still on the new work schedule and still not pulling oncall....but as of yesterday....all that changed.! :mad: Come the first week in October, I go back to Mon. - Fri. and back to 8AM to 5PM. AND <b>back to being in the oncall rotation!</b> :mad:

With the current work schedule the oncall person only has to pull 19 hours over the entire weekend.....now as of yesterday? It 54 hours of oncall over the weekend which means that if you are lucky....4 of those 54 hours will be the only sleep you get from 7AM Friday to 8AM Monday.

I hope to get more FPP's made this weekend and get them ready to ship to HRO next week. I need to do some shop "cleaning" and get back on this sewing machine cabinet restoration. I have about 3 more weeks before I have to have it done.....so I guess I'd better get myself in gear.!!!

So what do YOU plan on doing this weekend.?

Have a great weekend.!!!!

Byron Trantham
09-24-2004, 11:33 AM
Sprayin', sprayin', sprayin.... Trying to get through a very large wall unit project finished in cherry. I don't have that much room so I have to keep close track of stuff so I can keep the fluid moving. ;)

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 11:35 AM
Forgot to mention......I also hope to get some spinny time with some new turning stock I got from Kevin G. and Terry H. at the BBQ. ;) :D Thanks guys for the wood and the kids liked the "wood" smell in the car for the return trip home. :D

Ken Fitzgerald
09-24-2004, 11:40 AM
Haven't made much progress on the shop lately. Last Saturday, at my wife's insistance, I bought the lighting fixtures and lamps even though I have'nt started wiring yet. Today....I took the day off. Weather is finally co-operating..warm...dry. Paint the trim and scuff up the doors for future painting by a pro-painter...my neighbor. He's going to paint 3 entry doors (2 on shops and one on house) and the garage door to the new shop. Shouldn't take long to paint the trim today....then help a friend repair some electronics equipment and buy materials to frame in finishing room within new shop. This weekend...frame in finishing room and begin electrical service entry installation. Saturday, go to wedding reception for two friends who recently got married.

Chris Padilla
09-24-2004, 12:20 PM
More work in the garage/shop. I will update with new pics as I will finally have something worth taking a pic of when Sunday evening draws near....

Oh, and I might just open that big box of mine.... :D

Donnie Raines
09-24-2004, 12:26 PM
Working on the router station this weekend. need to fit the doors and apply a finish....not sure what finish yet.

Hopefully I get time to start on our new coffee table...

John Miliunas
09-24-2004, 12:34 PM
Hey Dennis, what in the blazes happened to re-institute your previous, bloody awful schedule???!!! :confused: Man, that's just not right! :mad:

Well, I'm "on call", as well, but mine isn't even close to as gruesome as yours! I plan on getting some more of the bathroom project done, including milling up some more Ambrosia and regular Hard Maple for it. Still some repairs left to do outside, as long as the weather is cooperating. If, after all that, my ankle should happen to start hurting, I might even get a bit of time for scroll practice! :D Have a super weekend, everybody! :cool:

Frank Pellow
09-24-2004, 12:36 PM
I am sorry to say that I won't be contstructing my workshop. :(

Rather, we will be visiting relatives in London Ontario for three days.

Oh well, we have no more visits scheduled for the next month so, once we return on Monday, I should get a long uninterupted stretch of time to enclose the shop.

Michael Stafford
09-24-2004, 12:44 PM
I hope to finish up some wooden desk clocks I am working on. With any luck they'll be done by Monday. That will finish up all of my known Christmas gifts, I think. Then I will start opening my project boxes and seeing what I want to do next. Being totally anal retentive, throughout the year, when I get project ideas for wood that I have in stock I will plane it, rough cut it etc. and put it into labeled boxes. Then I just pull a box off the shelf and do what is next required. If I don't want to do that then I pull some turning stock off the pile and turn something. I always seem to have a lot of things to do. Too many projects not enough time. If all else fails turn pens. :)

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 12:50 PM
Hey Dennis, what in the blazes happened to re-institute your previous, bloody awful schedule???!!! :confused: Man, that's just not right! :mad:

We suddenly have two "whinners" on the team that don't like being oncall once each month. Instead, they want to extend it out to once every 6th week. Ya see, we are a small 8 person team supporting over 400 large scale servers for much of the financial industry. Our team just does backups and restores for each of our "customers/clients". Backups run into the <b>Hundreds of Terabytes</b> and over 700 tape drives in various robotic libraries. :eek: Almost every server is doing some kind of backup from 5PM Friday until 8AM Monday and many do daily backups that run each night. We backup to just over 35,000 DLT/SDLT/LTO tapes each month! :eek: :rolleyes:

When things go wrong "anywhere" in the backup chain....it can take hours to get resolved and a backup / backups running again. You gotta remember, a small file for us is around 30GB and a large file to us is in the 250GB to 300GB range. :eek: And at 250GB for a file or 3TB for an Oracle table being backed up....the pressure is on.!!

Some penalties are....let's just say.....THOUSANDS of DOLLARS per <i>MINUTE!</i> :eek: :eek: :D

Russell Svenningsen
09-24-2004, 1:24 PM
No shop time....BUT we close on the shop(with attached house) next Thursday at 2:00. We begin painting, etc. and will move in 2 weeks after. I have a friend who is also a woodworker, and we will be painting the shop and moving all my equipment in next weekend. The wife wants some cabinets built right away, so I have to hae my shop ready, right? :rolleyes:

So, this weekend, all I'll be thinking about is NEXT weekend!

Waymon Campbell
09-24-2004, 1:35 PM
I'm hoping to get some more work done on the table for my church's foyer. I have the legs tapered and mortised and am working on the 3 cross inlay for the apron. I have to get a video for a wedding out the door this weekend. All that and my church is also starting the "40 Days of Purpose" program, so I am going to be quite busy with probably not enough shop time.

Greg Heppeard
09-24-2004, 2:06 PM
Back to work on the nightmare cabinet...spraying finish on it this weekend and probably next too....hopefully installation in a couple of weeks and pics to follow then.

Speaking of pics....here's a few more from last weekend at Terry H's

Greg Heppeard
09-24-2004, 2:08 PM
One more...

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 2:11 PM
Ah....the lost "Clardy Twins"!!!! :p :D

Jim Becker
09-24-2004, 2:17 PM
The weekend "list" looks like it's armoire-oriented. I'll be starting out with the dovetails at the top of the casework; likely by hand as using the Leigh jig would require a handy-dandy "alternative" mounting point on top of the band saw in order to accomodate the 75" tall side pieces. Good thing I just picked up those nice Ashley Iles chisels yesterday in NYC. (See thread in Neander forum) I also hope to get some spinny time. 'Grass doesn't need mowed this week, so none of that stuff to interfer with my woodworking pleasure. Oh, yea...gotta try out some more of the Festool goodies. They have been calling out all week to me, but business has kept my phone in the pocket and headset on my head with people speaking in my left ear way too much. Such is the last month of the fiscal year when you're in sales!

'Have a safe and productive weekend, folks.

Jack Norfleet
09-24-2004, 3:32 PM
I gave up tickets to the Florida/Kentucky football game in order to prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Jeanne. If we still have power I will be working on a shadow box/flag display for one of my friends in the Navy.

David Wilson
09-24-2004, 3:46 PM
Got invited to a shooting party on saturday. I'll see if I can break my old record of 6 seconds in a bowling pin shoot with my 45ACP. Probibly do a little clay pigeon shooting and will take my black powder cannon to make some big noise. Maby get some shop time in on sunday.

Gredo Goldenstein
09-24-2004, 3:55 PM
Me and the Mrs. will be in St. Paul this Saturday for the "5th Annual Twin Cities Arts and Crafts Show" It's the midwests biggest show dedicated to the Arts and Crafts period. I usually get some good ideas of things I would like to build. The pricing on the original Stickley and Roycroft stuff is usually a little cost prohibitive for me. :eek:

Who knows what Sunday holds? :rolleyes: Football maybe?

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-24-2004, 4:10 PM
Gotta work a few hours Saturday Morning, then shop related things and whatever else pops up. Saturday afternoon, I need to process some more Ash and Sycamore I recently was given into blanks and get them sealed. I can't wait to rough a few bowls from this Sycamore, just to see how it turns, and how it looks. I need to get at least one of 2 sold bowls turned sometime this weekend. Plans for Sunday...........Football, Turning, and taking it easy.......not necessarily in that order! Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Keith Christopher
09-24-2004, 5:15 PM
I'm going to be buying another piece of 8/4 maple so I can make the correct size leg for this headboard.

Bobby McCarley
09-24-2004, 5:36 PM
Started the night shift at work tonight. I am an operator at a power plant and work in the control room for the reverse osmosis water plant. Will work Friday, Saturday and Sunday (12 hr. shift). Then start vacation Monday. The first part of which I hope to get some shop time in, the second half will be spent in Temple Texas at the SWAT symposium. Are there any other creekers going? If so, I hope to see you there.

Enjoy your weekend, whatever you may be doing.
Bobby McCarley

Tyler Howell
09-24-2004, 7:10 PM
Big Tool Sale is underway. Some serious memories come along with processing this stuff.:o Trying to pass on some of the toyls that got me this far. A bunch of beginner and intermediate power tools and all those @#!$%% Plastic Boxes they come in. Mostly Cman Gray in color,
I really would like to make room for more presents from uncle Bob:D . So far I have secured sand paper. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Minneapple Creekers if you want to take a look, PM Me?

Kelly C. Hanna
09-24-2004, 8:56 PM
Sounds like fun Dennis!

I have a whole day and nite tomorrow at a buddy's house in our car club. We're swapping a stock motor and tranny out of an 84' Z28 and replacing it with a built 350 and Turbo 350 tranny. He's going to clone an '86 IROC Z28 for his driver. His other car is a '63 Nova SS with an '85 Corvette drivetrain...he smoked a new Mustang last nite with it.

Sunday brings a steak dinner after I get some work done on the sliding table installation. Another car club friend is brnging me steaks to grill since I helped him list his Nova SS on ebay (yep the one he traded for the other guy's '67 Stepside 396 race truck).

Looks like I will only get about 2 hours shop time and that will be spent getting the pieces made for mounting the slider on the Griz. Well I might get another hour later in the night when I take the Stratocaster in there to practice chords...:D:D:D

Kelly C. Hanna
09-24-2004, 9:07 PM
You gotta hate the whiners! One just "checked out of the building" today....pulled a no show on me. Your job sounds like one where there should be none of those kinda people. Hope the schedule gets better for ya soon, it interferes with shop time!!

Joe Mioux
09-24-2004, 9:09 PM
work. Supposed to visit the in-laws in Crestwood, Mo on Sunday.

Dick Parr
09-24-2004, 9:47 PM
Going to the Woodcraft sale in the morning :D and then come home to finish up the bowl I started today. I need to finish off the bottom of it. Other then more shop time, I plan on sitting in the hot tub the rest of the weekend with a few cold ones at my side. :D :D

Thomas Prondzinski
09-25-2004, 6:40 AM
Got the jointer refurb running ,need to install knives on saturday and move things out of the way so I can move it in place and joint some wood.New computer coming Monday as soon as I figure it out will post shop pics,jointer pics and others.


Ken Salisbury
09-25-2004, 9:12 AM
Well lets see:


1. 12:30 watch 8yr old Grandson play football
1a. http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif

2. 2:30 watch http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/bama.gifplay http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/misc/arkansas2.gif
2a. http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif

3. Watch whatever other SEC football game is being played in the evening.
3.a http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif


1. 7:00am - - - See 23yr old Grandson off at the airport. Deployed to Alaska for Military Police Duty.
1a. http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif

2. Finish house painting (has been going on most of the week). Only have the trim on the back to complete.
2a. http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gifhttp://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif

3. Fill more pen kit orders and get packages ready for mailing Monday morning.
3a. http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/lilbud.gif

4. Take 8 aspirins and go to bed :) :)

Tim Morton
09-25-2004, 9:28 AM
After the week i had its time for some down time...plans are to spend some time today at the county fair(sausage and peppers_ :D) and work up a design for an entertainment center/dresser for my daughter's room (she wants to help now that she is taking woodshop at school :D) and then settle in to hopefully watch "wake" get back on track against the evil yankee's!!! :eek:

Tommmorrow hopefully I can get down to the basement to clean the shop and work on more drywall on the familyroom side of the basement.

Enjoy the great fall weather and lets hope Florida doesn't get wacked too bad.

Scott Coffelt
09-25-2004, 3:12 PM
Down to the Country Club Plaza for the annual art fair. Very high priced work, but they usually have a few wood artist there and it's nice to see their work. A night out on the town, will send the kid to grandma's.

Saturday will be spent mainly on yard work, mow, seed, edge, fert, etc. I also plan to clean the truck and car.

Sunday, work on the Morris chair and also pick up some doors froma client that need glass installed. Some minor rest to watch Football.