View Full Version : Important Poll

Donnie Raines
09-24-2004, 8:56 AM
Razor blade or electric razor?....I have always been a electric razor kinda guy. BUT...I had my first straight edge shave this AM at the corner barber shop....talking about nice!!!!! :cool:

Mark Singer
09-24-2004, 9:15 AM
Non Electric! Smooooooth! :D

Mark J Bachler
09-24-2004, 9:28 AM
Beard 4321

there thats enough letters


Jason Roehl
09-24-2004, 9:31 AM
Non Electric! Smooooooth! :D From your avatar, Mark, I have to ask, how would you know? :D

I have an electric razor (Norelco, tri-rotor style), which I use on occasion, but I much prefer my Gilette Sensor 3. I don't care for the Mach 3. Although, it is now autumn, so my regular shaving days are soon to be over, and winter whiskers shall be soon in coming. (And, no, my avatar has not kept up with my shaving habits).

Steven Wilson
09-24-2004, 9:41 AM
Razor, but most important is a shaving brush and shaving soap - smooth no burns. I use to wear a beard until I tried using a shaving brush and shaving soap. If I use the cans I break out.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-24-2004, 9:52 AM
Razor and foam......tried an expensive electric....burns and wasn't close enough.....

Rob Russell
09-24-2004, 10:02 AM
Razor, soap and brush. So far, the best soap I've found is either the Williams or Bert's Bees.

My Dad still uses an old safety razor.

David Wilson
09-24-2004, 10:11 AM
I'm only 55 so don't need one yet.

Dean Baumgartner
09-24-2004, 10:12 AM
Razor and soap in the shower. The hot water and steam seem to help soften the beard. Since I've been doing that, no razor burn and no ingrown hairs. Used to use an electric but always seemed to get razor burn off of it.

Steve Clardy
09-24-2004, 10:32 AM
None. Sorry.

Non shaving Steve

Kevin Arceneaux
09-24-2004, 10:43 AM
Blade. I used to use electric, but I got tired of ingrown hairs and just could not get it close enough for me.

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-24-2004, 10:58 AM
Blade, and only for some trim work around the edges. I use whatever throwaways Momma uses on her legs..................but that is probably more information tha the poll called for, huh? :eek: :D ;) :p

(Oh, and I just trim around the edges right out of the shower...........no foam, cream or nuttin! It only hurts for a little bit..........makes ya tough!) :D

Wes Bischel
09-24-2004, 10:59 AM
I guess I'll go counter trend - electric shaver Braun. Never could get away from chewing up my baby face with a razor. :rolleyes:


Jack Diemer
09-24-2004, 11:18 AM
Razor all the way, I use the Gillete Sensor, Sensor XL, I like the Mach 3 but its too expensive as I use a blade a week. (I like to save my money for more important things like woodworking tools)

Strange thing I have noticed. When people who use razors go to electric, they get razor burn, and when electric razor users go to blades, they get razor burn. :confused:

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 11:47 AM
I'm only 55 so don't need one yet.

Too Funny!!!!! :D :D

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2004, 11:52 AM
Blade, and only for some trim work around the edges. I use whatever throwaways Momma uses on her legs..................but that is probably more information tha the poll called for, huh? :eek: :D ;) :p

Now....I can't see that.!!! If I grab a razor that the LOML used for "shaving".? It won't cut "hot butter in the middle of an Arkansas August"!!! :eek: :confused:

I use razor and soap. I tried using electric before and got ingrown hairs and razor burn a lot...even after several weeks of using it and the shave wasn't as close as a blade....so I switched back to a blade.

Chris Padilla
09-24-2004, 12:40 PM
How often do you all shave? That is another good question. For most, I bet it is everyday (Sat/Sun, too?).

I shave in the shower (no mirror), can of gel shaving cream, and Gillette Sensor 2 blades. I only shave on M, W, F and that is it unless LOML requests a weekend shave or we are going somewhere nice.

I kinda shave twice: lather up, shave down with the grain, rinse, lather up, shave up to get the close shave. This proves less irritable for my baby face. :)

I'd grow a beard just to avoid shaving but genetics is fighting me there...well, LOML, too.

Wade Samuelson
09-24-2004, 12:45 PM
I have a combination of baby face, goatee, and a bad attitude about shaving. So, I have an electric and use it a few times a week and call it good.

Roger Fitzsimonds
09-24-2004, 12:47 PM
Beard only havent shaved in 30 years. I use to just butcher my self so the cure was to stop.


Ian Barley
09-24-2004, 12:52 PM
Gillette Mach 3 - first blade cuts you deep, second cuts you deeper, third just leaves your face looking like chopped liver all day!

Since I managed to avoid working with other humans I shave about once a week keeping the designer stubble for the working days.

Michael Stafford
09-24-2004, 1:05 PM
Razor. SWMBO has her own. First rule of marriage "Sweetheart you can have everything but my razor". Grew up in house with 3 sisters who ruined more blades that you can imagine. Shave daily, Bleed daily.

Dean Baumgartner
09-24-2004, 1:49 PM
How often do you all shave? That is another good question. For most, I bet it is everyday (Sat/Sun, too?).

I shave in the shower (no mirror), can of gel shaving cream, and Gillette Sensor 2 blades. I only shave on M, W, F and that is it unless LOML requests a weekend shave or we are going somewhere nice.

I kinda shave twice: lather up, shave down with the grain, rinse, lather up, shave up to get the close shave. This proves less irritable for my baby face. :)

I'd grow a beard just to avoid shaving but genetics is fighting me there...well, LOML, too.

Usually shave Monday - Thursday like to give my face a little rest. Doesn't seem too bad, still have a face.

I do the with and against the grain thing too.

Dean Baumgartner
09-24-2004, 1:51 PM
Beard only havent shaved in 30 years. I use to just butcher my self so the cure was to stop.


The beard goes on and off but the moustache is permanent. I've had it since I was 17. LOML has never seen me without a moustache. Every once in a while she takes it as a challenge to try and get me to shave it off. No luck yet.


Ed Falis
09-24-2004, 2:02 PM
Razor blade or electric razor?....I have always been a electric razor kinda guy. BUT...I had my first straight edge shave this AM at the corner barber shop....talking about nice!!!!! :cool:

Never had much success with electrics, though I had a Braun for a few years that was a lot better than any other I'd used.

Heavy beard - Mach 3. One of these days I may try a straight razor, though.

- Ed

Ed Falis
09-24-2004, 2:08 PM
I've had a beard probably 2/3 of my adult life. But the year before I met my current wife, the beard had turned white and I got tired of looking at Santa Claus in the mirror. So I was shaved when I met her, and she kind of insists I stay that way now.

- Ed

John Weber
09-24-2004, 2:17 PM
Very low on my list of fun activities. I use an Norelco because it's fast and easy. Not as smooth as my wife's bic or whatever free demo razor came in the mail. The razors do a better job, but after lunch who can tell anyway. I also like a beard in the winter, shave once maybe twice a week to clean up the cheeks and neck.


P.S. I nicely sharpened chisel shaves great as well...

Dave Brandt
09-24-2004, 2:17 PM
Even though I've had this beard since 1970, I still have to shave. BIC or whatever's on sale with Edge (gel). And I use it until it starts pulling the hairs out :eek: I also like to do it in the shower. Even have a fog-free mirror attached to the shower head.

Lou Morrissette
09-24-2004, 5:31 PM
Electric for conveniance but razor for a smooth clean shave.

Jim Becker
09-24-2004, 6:12 PM
I tried using electric before and got ingrown hairs and razor burn a lot...even after several weeks of using it and the shave wasn't as close as a blade....so I switched back to a blade.
Ditto...electrics = nasty skin for me. Naturally kinky/wirey hair does not take to electric razors.

Of course, whatever method, only a few times a week whether I need it or not. :D

Brian Hale
09-25-2004, 6:57 AM
I shave Monday thru Friday but not on weekends.

Electric for me.... I bleed enough in the shop...


James Giordano
09-25-2004, 7:25 AM
Nair :eek:

Rich Konopka
09-25-2004, 8:02 AM
The beard goes on and off but the moustache is permanent. I've had it since I was 17. LOML has never seen me without a moustache. Every once in a while she takes it as a challenge to try and get me to shave it off. No luck yet.


I had a mustache for the first 8 years of my marriage and I shaved it off one day and LOML saw it and screamed. No Lie.

Now you know why I am the Mystery Man... Only the shadow Knows:p :D :p

This mug uses a Norelco Electric SS Supercharged with Three Hemi's


larry merlau
09-28-2004, 12:28 PM
well i am with steve, we both are conserving energy, electricity or the energy to mine the steel or the effort it takes to remove them from our chins. and besides its all natural just like mother earth completly organic :D

Tyler Howell
09-28-2004, 1:42 PM
I'm a blade man!:cool:

keith zimmerman
09-28-2004, 2:20 PM
What's a razor? I've had a full beard for the last 20 years! I use scissors to trim. :D

Actually, I shave my neck every Monday morning with a blade.


Mark Stutz
09-28-2004, 8:50 PM
Razor burn will go away if you use a brush and shaving soap. Wish I had discovered this years ago. While you are searching flea markest and antique stores for old iron, kepp your eyes out for old shaving brushes. Found an old Englinsh made badger brush for $3!

Jerry Olexa
09-28-2004, 8:57 PM
Norelco Electric rotary Probably now on my 6th one (for a young guy like me)