View Full Version : Bench Dog CrownCut - feedback / opinions?

Mike Rees
10-20-2009, 1:48 PM
A couple of you posted on a related thread the merits of this tool. Is anybody using this w/ a 10" miter? I'm looking to use it w/ the DeWalt 713 - on the DeWalt site it looks like you cut 4.5" molding on the fence - but this CrownCut tool shows 3" w/ a * saying you might be able to get more out of it depending on the saw.

So I guess my question is, does this tool eat into the capacity of your miter in some way?

Thanks in advance.


Rich Engelhardt
10-21-2009, 7:04 AM
Yes - it does cut into the capacity on the right side of the saw due to the motor.
What I'd suggest is stopping by Lowes - they carry both the (new plastic) Bench dog and the DeWalt and checking the clearance.

I have both the DeWalt and an older wooden Bench Dog. The newer Bench Dog jig is plastic & I'm not sure if it's the same dimensions. The wooden one works on my DeWalt 713, but on on my Ryobi. The motor on the Ryobi hits the top of the jig.

I believe I mentioned in the other thread that I only use 3" crown and that the picture on the jig alone is worth $20.00. I still use it with the Ryobi, but only to the left of the blade. Just having the jig there to reference the picture for proper orientation of the crown is a God send.
It helps avoid these /\ types of outside corners.

While I do hang a fair amount of crown, I'm not a trim carpenter that does it day in and day out. It could be a year or more between doing it & then only doing a few corners at a time.

Mike Rees
10-21-2009, 9:32 AM
Yes - it does cut into the capacity on the right side of the saw due to the motor.
What I'd suggest is stopping by Lowes - they carry both the (new plastic) Bench dog and the DeWalt and checking the clearance.

I have both the DeWalt and an older wooden Bench Dog. The newer Bench Dog jig is plastic & I'm not sure if it's the same dimensions. The wooden one works on my DeWalt 713, but on on my Ryobi. The motor on the Ryobi hits the top of the jig.

I believe I mentioned in the other thread that I only use 3" crown and that the picture on the jig alone is worth $20.00. I still use it with the Ryobi, but only to the left of the blade. Just having the jig there to reference the picture for proper orientation of the crown is a God send.
It helps avoid these /\ types of outside corners.

While I do hang a fair amount of crown, I'm not a trim carpenter that does it day in and day out. It could be a year or more between doing it & then only doing a few corners at a time.

Thank you for responding. I had no idea Lowes carried the Jig - now I have a nice little excursion to plan in the coming week or two. :D

Brian W Evans
10-21-2009, 12:06 PM
the picture on the jig alone is worth $20.00+1 on this. I have the older wooden jig and use a 12" SCMS, but I would definitely buy this product again. I also got a lot out of the Gary Katz video (http://www.mcfeelys.com/product/158347/Mastering-Finish-Carpentry-with-Gary-Katz-DVD--The-Miter-Saw-Programs-1-2) (parts I & II - I haven't seen the others). I'm spatially challenged (have a heck of a hard time picturing how things will fit together and what that means for cutting angles, etc.), so these two products helped enormously when I redid the crown in my kitchen/dining room last summer.

Mike Rees
10-21-2009, 2:20 PM
+1 on this. I have the older wooden jig and use a 12" SCMS, but I would definitely buy this product again. I also got a lot out of the Gary Katz video (http://www.mcfeelys.com/product/158347/Mastering-Finish-Carpentry-with-Gary-Katz-DVD--The-Miter-Saw-Programs-1-2) (parts I & II - I haven't seen the others). I'm spatially challenged (have a heck of a hard time picturing how things will fit together and what that means for cutting angles, etc.), so these two products helped enormously when I redid the crown in my kitchen/dining room last summer.

Thanks for the tips for the videos too. I see he has 6 parts - since I have no carpenter whose shoulder I can look over, maybe I'll buy the videos too. I'm also going to buy the Taunton Press Trim Carpentry book. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1561589438/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance