View Full Version : Need direction.....advice.....

Dennis McGarry
10-19-2009, 8:26 PM
Ok here is my dilemma. Since I am getting back into turning this week, I have to make some hard decisions on what kits to start with seeing as money is tight.

Now when I first started I went with slimlines only, easy to turn, and cheap. I am thinking this time around to focus more on a little higher end kit. I am think of maybe the Executive Pen Kit from craftsupply.

I would still pick up a few slimlines to make, but fucus more on a little better kit and one that I don't have to turn away most of the great wood.

Other then the executive, what are a few others that are nice pens in the 8-15 dollar range kit wise?

Oh and if anyone has any spares they want to sell cheap, let me know.. :)

Alan Trout
10-19-2009, 8:33 PM
Jr. Gent, Gent, Aero, Zen, Jr. Retro, Americana,Patriot, Sienna,

All are nice pens and are nice gifts and still in the reasonable price range.
If I were going to pic two different pens it would be the Jr. Gent and the Aero or the Patiriot.

Good Luck


Billy Tallant
10-19-2009, 11:02 PM
Slimlines are my best seller. But I really like working with Wall Street II's, Sierra's, and Patriots.