View Full Version : John Miliunas-nice to meetcha

Terry Quiram
09-23-2004, 7:25 PM
During a business trip to Wisconsin on Tuesday and Wednesday I was driving right through Spring Green. So I sent John a msg to see if we could get together. Glad to say that we did meet and had a nice visit. (Thanks for the Octoberfest beer). John you have a pretty nice shop and not near as messy as mine. I also met John's better half and daughter. Looking forward to a longer visit next time.


John Miliunas
09-24-2004, 12:01 AM
For some, this next piece may be a familiar looking post, but that's OK:

Hey Terry, the pleasure was ALL MINE! Amazing how much a guy can pick up when shown by an expert! BUT, you know that problem with keeping the blade in the upper hold-down? No more! The more I looked at it, the more I said to myself, "Self, this just ain't right!" The thumbscrew was seating in there way too loose. I checked against the bottom one and that one was nice and tight. So, I took that assembly off and stopped at my Woodcraft Monday. My "boys" over there always take good care of me. This was no exception. Randy (the Mgr.), who has many hours on a Dewalt SS like mine, agreed. He simply tore open a new box, swapped out the part, marked the box for RMA and I'm back in business! Then last night, upon your recommendation, I went out to Advanced Machinery and ordered up a sample pack, plus a couple other blade configurations to try. Lots to learn, but I'll eventually get it.

Anyhow, you are welcome to stop by *ANY* time! I really, REALLY enjoyed your visit and thanks again for all the patterns! I knocked out a couple of those Oriental-style ornaments for my daughter. She thought they were pretty cool, but not quite cool enough for her to get on the saw! Maybe once I get good enough to turn out one of those dragons.... Thanks again for a most enjoyable time! You're right: Next time will NEED to be longer and maybe we could even get one of the spinny things going! :D :cool: