View Full Version : Will this grinder work?

Kenneth Whiting
10-18-2009, 5:11 PM
I keep window shopping (actually I use google chrome, not windows) at HF, chomping at the bit to get some turning tools, looks like I get to get started thursday!! yippee!! I saw an 8" wet horizontal slow speed grinder with a 5" dry vertical high speed. It says the 8" spins at 400 rpm and 5" at 3450(?) Will this work for sharpening turning tools? It lists for $99.00. Even if it "get's the job done" will I be dissatisfied and go to woodcraft for a better setup next month?

Bill Bulloch
10-18-2009, 5:33 PM
Down the road somewhere, you are probably going to want a jig to speed up the process and make the sharpening easier. So, I would suggest that you make sure the grinder that you get will accommodate some sort of sharpening jig.

Post a picture of the grinder you are considering.

Dennis McGarry
10-18-2009, 5:42 PM
I looked at that one the other day, and decided against it, doesnt look like it will take a jig very easy, Instead looking at a vs model from a Low BORG :) for 99.99 bust. low speed 2000 rpm. also they have one that is vs as well that is low of 1750 rpm both delta's

this is the one you were looking at right?

Kenneth Whiting
10-18-2009, 5:47 PM
Yes that is it, thanks for posting it

Jeff Nicol
10-18-2009, 7:08 PM
Hey all, I have the Delta that this one is patterned after and I use it for lots of things. It is great for sharpening my miniature tools and the flat wheel is for plane blades and jointer knives. You can get an adapter jig to do larger planer blades but it is pretty costly so making your own is the way to go with that. I also use the 5" wheel for sharpening my scrapers as it is wider and does a fine job on them. It sits next to my 8" slow speed grinder and that is the main turning tool sharpener. I fixed my old 6" grinder and use it for all the rough grinding stuff, like lawnmower blades and small axes and hatchets and any other garden/yard tool that needs and edge.

So it has it's place in the shop if you can use it for other than just turning tools.


Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2009, 7:15 PM
I had the same one Jeff has and sold it. It worked great for chisels, plane blades, etc. but I had a heck of a time sharpening gouges. Bought the woodcraft slow speed and wolverine jig which is what I would suggest. I now have the complete Tormek which will sharpen everything.

Kenneth Whiting
10-18-2009, 9:46 PM
Thanks guys, I guess I'll keep looking at the 8"ers. I'm thinking I can make a homemade wolverine type grinding jig with my scrollsaw, scrap wood, and some angle iron I have laying around.

Steve Schlumpf
10-18-2009, 9:58 PM
Kenneth - I have the Woodcraft 8" slow speed grinder and Wolverine setup and it works very well. For the money you were going to spend on the HF grinder - I would put it towards a grinder that readily takes sharpening jigs. Here is the grinder and it goes on sale every so often. http://www.woodcraft.com/Product/2004605/19002/8-Slow-Speed-Grinder.aspx

Kenneth Whiting
10-18-2009, 10:11 PM
Thanks Steve, are the 60 and 120 grit wheels it comes with the right ones for the job or am I also looking at getting a few wheels?

Steve Schlumpf
10-18-2009, 10:23 PM
Kenneth - I kept the wheels for a while but eventually changed the 60 grit to a 150. Once I learned how to sharpen - I only use a very light touch and wanted a finer grit wheel for a smoother edge. That's just me as there are others that prefer the larger grit wheels. You get to experiment and find what works best for you and your style of turning.

10-19-2009, 10:15 AM
for price and two very good wheels. Here is my mentoring handout for sharpening, very good video link, and complete plans for homemade sharpening jigs:
One thing that simplifies building a jig. Set the leg permanently at 23 degrees. There is no reason to have it adjust, IMHO.

Kenneth Whiting
10-19-2009, 5:28 PM
Wow, thanks for that link about sharpening, it cleared up a lot of things I was thinking about.