View Full Version : Jr. Strasil made a presentation to our Woodworkers Guild

Al Navas
10-18-2009, 9:11 AM
I am pleased to recognize Jr Strasil, for volunteering to make a presentation to the St Joseph, MO Woodworkers Guild. The topic was Parquetry, using hand tools (what else?). I was recovering from a renewed shoulder injury, and was unable to attend.

Jr., I learned that you did a wonderful job, and everyone in attendance enjoyed it. On behalf of our Guild, Thank you very much!


harry strasil
10-18-2009, 10:55 AM
Woulda been better, but I was nervous about doing it and left the important things at home.

And I want to thank the strong fellows who toted my 3 Tool chests down to Cherie's basement shop. The Parquetry was in the Tool chest lids. LOL

And I did get to meet a much grown up home town Tike I new as a Tike, I used to do work for his Father, Harlan H.

And thank Cherie for the gas money she stuck in my hand and I put it in my pocket till I got home. It was not expected but much appreciated.

The talk was on Parquetry, but I think they were more interested in how to draw an ellipse.

Don C Peterson
10-19-2009, 1:09 PM
I wish I could have been there.