View Full Version : Thought I’d introduce myself!

Tyler Howell
09-23-2004, 2:07 PM
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Thought I’d introduce myself. After a year of spilling bile and nonsense, better step up. I found the Creek through a Canadian forum recommending this site and I’ve been here ever since.
My greatest claim to fame is two wonderful daughters. They have been my best teachers. As gloated, one is off to Med. school and the other on the last 9 weeks of engineering school.
I went to fine arts schools so there was no shop class or industrial arts. Taking my first formal training now in a Neander class. As long as I can remember my favorite pass time was tinkering with stuff. My mother reminds, she has a pile of things for me to put back together.
Trained in electronic technology, I’m winding down a 30-year career in the aviation industry. My dad was trained as a carpenter but could not get an apprenticeship or join the trade unions. The way of the 1940s in Minnesota. He only used these skills for home repairs out of necessity and accumulated only some of the basic tools. I never had any interest at that time.
The perfect playground was my first home. I read, watched and attempted every aspect of remuddle and repair. Some things should have been left to the pros. A great training ground, whenever anybody would utter a word of project at their homes; I would show up 15 minutes early. Learned a lot by example and from others’ mistakes. I loved working on the home for my family. The X had to drag me away for holidays and vacations.
Long story short knees are going and the skiing I did 3-4 times a week doesn’t take nearly as much time. I’d like to focus on more elegant and precision work that can be done in the shop and doesn't involve ladders or rolling in insulation.
Many thanks to the Creekers who have taken the time to show me the way. I still sit with paper and pencil taking notes on tools, and techniques while browsing SMC. Also had the pleasure of meeting some of the creekers to see “methods of work” Included is a pix of my first WW project.:rolleyes:
More to come.


Jack Hogoboom
09-23-2004, 2:13 PM

Nice bio. It helps to put the story with the person.


Greg Heppeard
09-23-2004, 2:14 PM

Welcome to the creek :D (just thought I'd toss that in). You've been around longer than I have and I've always enjoyed your posts.

Brad Schmid
09-23-2004, 2:19 PM
Finally, a story behind an SMC legend :cool:

Thanks Tyler, always enjoy your posts.

Kurt Aebi
09-23-2004, 2:20 PM

Welcome to the creek, I hope you can contribute - lol

Nice Bio. buddy - now show some pic's of projects! (Remodels count, as well)


Kelly C. Hanna
09-23-2004, 2:28 PM
Thanks for the peek into the vault Tyler! I need to do that someday.

Dave Anderson NH
09-23-2004, 4:37 PM
Thanks for posting one of your fine creations. I suppose it is incumbent upon us to offer you some critique assistance so you can judge your work.:eek: The overall design is pleasing to the eye, offers a proper sense of proportion, and shows skilled craftsmanship. There is however the discordant element of a Victorian style sculpted shingle roof which is distracting in a structure which otherwise follows more closely a Lincolnesque faux log design. I would suggest that before attempting to duplicate or update this piece you seek some architectural design assistance from the likes of Mark Singer or one of our other architectural consultants.:rolleyes: :D ;)

In any event we're glad to have you here assisting Chris Padilla as one of the Picture Police.

Michael Stafford
09-23-2004, 4:48 PM
What Dave Anderson said.

Too funny, Tyler! You are the man!

Jerry Olexa
09-23-2004, 4:50 PM
Tyler I am AMAZED!!! Over 1200 posts and you're introducing yourself AND with only one(1) picture!!!! You, the baton bearer for pics!! Can't resist teasing you! You have furnished much humor and insight since I've joined. Glad you're here, Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously!! Welcome! Jerry

Dick Parr
09-23-2004, 6:09 PM
Welcome to the Creek. Glad to finally meet you, I had thought I had missed this intro/bio somewhere in the past postings. Tyler you bring as much/or more to this forum as you say you are receiving. You and others like you are the reason this site is so well liked by everyone. One of these days I hope to meet you in person. Again Welcome. :rolleyes:

Now where's all the pictures. :D

Chris Padilla
09-23-2004, 6:39 PM
LOL...nice to meet ya, Tyler! :) I think a trend might be starting around here...I've got a good 3 page intro going right now! :D

Steve Clardy
09-23-2004, 6:47 PM
Well Tyler. It's about time you were telling us who you are.:)
Now we know. Glad to have you aboard, like your sense of humor, try to read every post of yours.;)

As for posting pics of projects, you had better get busy, or you might turn out like Chris. He got busted real bad at the barbecue and ended up with a huge red nose.:eek:


Frank Pellow
09-23-2004, 10:00 PM
It's good to know more about the person who has been humorously abusing me from time to time.

Keep up the good work.

Bruce Page
09-23-2004, 10:16 PM
Welcome aboard Tyler! Now don't be a stranger around here!


Thanks for the bio, it sounds like you've lead an interesting life...so far.

Mark Singer
09-23-2004, 10:39 PM

Dennis Peacock
09-23-2004, 10:58 PM
Welcome Tyler....my friend..!!!! :D

Nice to see a story behind the person. I really need to meet you in person one of these days. ;)

I guess I need to do up a Bio for SMC since I haven't done one since moving to SMC. :eek:

John Miliunas
09-23-2004, 11:25 PM
Hrmph...Used to be a guy out at SMC, who looked a lot like you! Except THAT guy had all this super-duper equipment. Obviously, YOU didn't need all that baby poop yellow machinery to make the masterpiece pictured, so I'm assuming you're the new kid on the block! :) Yeah, this is a pretty decent place to hang out, but there's a namesake of yours out there, who is the local picture constable and I note you only have one to show. You best get some more ready real soon, or you'll hear from him! :rolleyes: BTW, how did you manage to show up with so many posts to your credit?! :confused: Hmmmm...Best give Aaron a heads up that there's sumfin' goofy with his BB program! :) Anyhow, welcome aboard! Stop often, stay long and don't forget the pics! :cool:

Jerry Olexa
09-23-2004, 11:47 PM
Hey Tyler, I forgot to mention: if you have any trouble posting pictures, I can give you assistance. Ha Seriously, glad you are here!! Jerry:)

Ken Fitzgerald
09-24-2004, 12:51 AM
Jeez....Tyler.......finally a bio......you'd the pic police?......I'm glad to see your first project was simple. ROTFL! You are definitely a legend here! :D

Thomas Prondzinski
09-24-2004, 7:12 AM
Welcome Tyler,like we never heard of you or someones using your bio. How did you resaw all those thin strips? Thanks for the Pics.


larry merlau
09-24-2004, 7:21 AM
well tyler we know you got a yellow saw and i am sure that was how you made such nice resaws on that birch. definalty good quality. and for the roof design it tends to be more like the swedish or norwegian influence from your locale possibly. i tooo seem to gravitate towards your posts. need the humor to survive at times. its also good to know that you have an apprentice over on the western shore to help you in your appointed job. i really dont thing you would look good in one of those red noses though. possibly with a trumpet anoouncing the time to wake up and get moving or time to reort for duty call well glad to see you are really a true human being and not a extra terestial :D lookin forward to the next novel of your autobiograpghy :D

Mark Singer
09-24-2004, 9:27 AM
Welome! Great bio...I love the story. I have had a similar "I am here to help" approach to home repairs and projects. Now I am a bit lazy. Nice project finally you are putting some of that iron to work. How can I say welcome when you been here the whole time? It is nice to know more about you. Don't get to serious I like your funny side too. Make something and post some pics......when you get around to it :D

Jerry Bittner
09-24-2004, 10:00 AM
I have always contemplated building something of that scale but was leery of the obvious complexity. I'm now ready to tackle it but would like to know your lumber supplier -- Eskimo Pie or Popsicle Pete?

Jason Tuinstra
09-24-2004, 10:32 AM
Tyler, nice bio and great story. It's alway nice to learn more about the people that we see here every day. Also, congrats on your daughters. I'm sure you're a very proud father.

Russell Svenningsen
09-24-2004, 1:11 PM
LOL....you're nuts. "Welcome" Tyler!

Joe Mioux
09-24-2004, 9:18 PM
Tyler, Thanks for the intro. I just have one question....How many ice cream bars did you have to eat in order to make your "masterpiece"?:)


Dale Thompson
09-26-2004, 10:45 PM
Hi Tyler,
I've been out of the loop for a couple of days. I apologize for the delay in responding. We've been down in Oak Creek helping our "kids" get ready for our second grandchild. In addition, my wife and I have been filling out tons of paper work and having long discussions with our lawyers. We have decided to adopt both of your daughters. :) Judi and I are used to a wild and extravagant lifestyle in the greater metropolitan area of downtown Peshtigo. Since we are approaching the age of having a "fixed" income, we feel that we need the extra financial input that your ladies could obviously contribute. ;) You must be one proud papa!! WOW!!

Also, I'm not real bright but I think that I read a bit between the lines on the progress of two generations. I'm not a big proponent of organized religion but I DO recall that Jesus was a woodworker (carpenter) and his "dues", though very high, were not paid as a member of an ancient guild (union). :)

You have already received a lot of accolades on your "first" woodworking project. The architecture, assembly and creativity have already been praised. If I may add my input, I would have to compliment you on your ingenuity in terms of fastener diversity. Some of the nails are straight, others are bent over and some are only partially "seated". You must have some sort of a Picasso instinct when it comes to fasteners.

When I post my own bio, I will comment on the jillions of old popsicle sticks that I picked up on the streets of Chicago when I was about seven. I couldn't affort nails so I found a way to "weave" them together into squares about the size of a hot pad. I made forts, houses and even towns out of those squares. :cool: I should live so well today!! :(

Again, Tyler, thanks for the bio and I take comfort in the fact that you will not have to waste any lead or paper taking notes on any of MY posts or pics. :)

Dale T.

keith zimmerman
09-28-2004, 11:17 AM
Hey there Tyler,

Welcome Tyler. I notice in your bio that we have somewhat similar background in how we learned to do what we do. That being remodeling our first home. What an experience, eh?

One of my trips up to Minneapolis has to include a visit with you, so you may get a call from me sometime saying I'm in town and asking if you want to get together. I have your 411, so, who knows. Jeeze, it could even be this week.

Later guy.
