View Full Version : 3 day Jewelry Box

Joe Shinall
10-15-2009, 10:52 PM
Hey guys, first post. First jewelry box I have ever done. Got the idea for a best friend's 2 year old daughter's birthday. The wife forgot to get her something so I jumped on it and put my new UniSaw to the test.

Made from basic Red Oak. I decided to try some things I have never done before (which is a lot). So I 45'd the outside corners and Rabbeted the corners for the inside sliding box. And dado for the bottom tray on each. Since then I have done so much more. Hope ya like it.

David Christopher
10-15-2009, 11:08 PM
1. Joe, welcome to the creek
2. thats a beatiful box
3. how do you like that new uni

Joe Shinall
10-15-2009, 11:14 PM
1. Joe, welcome to the creek
2. thats a beatiful box
3. how do you like that new uni

Thanks very much. Considering that I was just using a $150 Craftsman that tipped over when I tried to run a 12 inch board through it, it's AWESOME!!!

No, really, besides that, this is the greatest piece of machinery I have ever bought. It is even better than my pickup that I had to use to get it home. It was my first big tool purchase and it has since sparked a frenzy of better equipment. I just need a Biesemeyer fence for it. Unifence is ok, but not the greatest for jigs as it is oblong in shape.

David Christopher
10-15-2009, 11:48 PM
Joe, glad to here that you like your uni, I have a 1958 uni and really like it but the brand new one is starting to call my name ( Dave...Dave...Dave...Dave ) LOL

Joe Shinall
10-15-2009, 11:54 PM
Haha! I hear ya. Mine isn't the brand new one. It's an 08 model. Had it since July. Was saving up for the brand new one but couldn't pass up the deal I got on this one.

I think, right now, there's a lot of tools calling my name!

Brian Kent
10-16-2009, 1:00 AM
Welcome, Joe.

I like the gift box - all the better for a friend's little one.

I hear you with the tipping table saw. Even with a heavier stand, my $89 Ryobi "table" saw moved all over. Muuuuuch nicer with a cabinet saw!


Sam Layton
10-16-2009, 2:44 AM
Hi Joe,

Welcome to the Creek. That is a great looking jewelry box. You did a fantastic job. The recipient is going to treasure that jewelry box for years to come.


John Keeton
10-16-2009, 7:30 AM
Joe, welcome to the creek, and great work on the box. Frankly, though, I am more interested in how you are allowed to do woodworking in the dining room?!:eek: Brave man - proud that we have someone that will stand up for the rest of us! Make sure we all get notification of your memorial service.;)

Like the color on the oak, and that looks like a MinWax can sitting there - what was the finish schedule?

And, congrats on the saw!

John Thompson
10-16-2009, 12:34 PM
Nice work and obviously you and the Uni-saw get passing marks. Congrats on the saw as it may very well be all you ever need regardless of the year. Keep up the enthusiasm and good work.

Joe Shinall
10-17-2009, 4:24 PM
Thanks guys. Yeah, the dining room was only used for the staining. Humidity in the shop was a big issue. Luckily I have an understanding wife.

Since the project was due in 3 days, I had one day to stain so I had fans on it. 2 coats of Minwax Red Mahogany and 2 coats of Spray poly. Was so worried it wouldn't dry in time so had to put on the bed cover of my truck in the driveway to bake in the sun. All was good and it came out great. Will never rush stain like that again though.