View Full Version : Jet parallel clamps mystery solved!

Stan Wiley
10-14-2009, 10:43 PM
I recently took delivery on some Jet clamps and before I made my purchase I did my homework on the Creek, because I did not have immediate access to see the Jet parallel clamps first hand. Some members liked them, some did not. One member asked “ is there a secret” to making them work, as he was having enough trouble with the trigger/handle mechanism that he could not understand why some people thought they were so wonderful. Well they were on sale at Rockler so I picked up six 40 inchers. I also wanted some 24 inchers and the best way to get them was in the cabinet package: 2-24” and 2 –40” also included were the Cross blocks and the bench dogs. Amazon was offering the cabinet package, with free shipping, so I got two sets of those as well. :D Well I unpacked the ones I got from Rockler, and had some shipping damage (more on that later, also the Amazon shipment was damage free). I said to myself, “well this is the moment of truth are they going work smooth or not?” Well they DID NOT ! :( I was disappointed but I was not about to ship them back. For better or worse they are MINE now! And I was keeping them. It was strange though, because sometimes they worked really well and sometimes they did not. After a little more detective work I came across the answer :), remember these bad boys do not come with an instruction manual. It is all in the wrist as they say, here is what I mean. (if you already know about this, fine, but I did not read about it, but I could have missed it)

The procedure to use when you are “opening” the clamp is: press the trigger either 1/3 or even all the way, (did not seem to make a difference) and while holding the trigger there, “LIFT UP” on the handle, while holding the trigger and the handle in this position simply move the clamp to the open position wherever you want it to be. NOW to “close” the clamp, again press the trigger but this time “PUSH DOWN” on the handle and with the trigger and the handle in those positions move the clamp towards the “Closed” position wherever you want it to be.
It is kind of like rubbing your stomach with one hand while patting the top of your head with your other hand at the same time, have to get used to it. Remember the handle does not move very far, maybe ¼ inch or so, but it is the “SECRET” to making these clamps an absolute pleasure to use. Why Jet chose not to share this with us in the form of simple instructions on a slip of paper shipped with the clamp is unfortunate. Anyway the secret is out now, so spread it around. :cool:

Now I said I had another story about the delivery of the Jet clamps. The ones that shipped from Rockler (UPS ground) came 2 clamps in a carton and there were three cartons banded together. The two outside cartons really took a beating, the one in the middle was spared any damage. One of the clamps had its handle broken right off at the point where it attaches to the screw shaft. So that had to be replaced and Rockler sent a new one out as soon as I called. Later UPS called to schedule a pickup of the broken clamp and the box it came in, so they could Dick Tracy what they did wrong. I asked UPS what they were gonna do with the broken clamp, as it would be no good to them after they analyzed it. But he said all the defective shipments wind up going to Atlanta (I think that is where he said) and get auctioned off by the tractor trailer load. WOW tractor trailer loads of damaged assorted goods? Anyway that way they recoup some of their costs. That was the major damage. I also had some minor, repairable damage. On the end of the handles are these plastic “plugs” (the handles are hollow) and the packages had been subjected to enough shock that it popped the plugs right out of the handles on at least four of the clamps. Upon inspection I could see a few shinny spots where an attempt to use, what appeared to be super glue, on the edges of the plugs proved to be not enough to do the job. Jet needs to look at this problem, as it really does not give the purchaser a warm and fuzzy feeling about how these clamps are going to stand up to everyday shop usage. It is a quick fix but one that you don’t really feel you should have to do. These were not cheap even on sale (for me anyway) I have just 14 of the Jet clamps and it was what I consider a sizable investment, but now I have them.
Another curious thing I noticed is that the shipment of 40 inch clamps I got from Rockler were an orange/red color but the cabinet sets of 40 inch and 24 inch clamps I got from Amazon were a dark red, no orange at all color, himmm…. I wonder when they switched colors and why?

Would I buy Jet again? Yup absolutely, now that I now the “SECRET” !!

John Coloccia
10-15-2009, 12:42 AM
That was me looking for the secret, by the way. I just ran down stairs to try this out. Works perfectly. Now I like the clamps too!

You don't have to hold the trigger to close them. You just have to push the handle the right way :)

Maybe other clamps are like this and I just never noticed it before. It's really pronounced on the Jets, but once you do as you say, it works great. If it makes you feel any better about the color, I got 6 of them as part of a rebate they were running a while ago (buy lots and lots of equipment, and we give you nice tools for "free' kind of thing). Mine all came right from jet. 4 of them are deep red, 2 of them are a lighter red. A couple of them had zip ties on them, the rest didn't. Very inconsistent, and I've no idea what the zip ties were for...they were just wrapped around them holding absolutely nothing.

Strange things going on at the Jet factory I guess...

Tom Veatch
10-15-2009, 3:00 AM
...A couple of them had zip ties on them, the rest didn't. Very inconsistent, and I've no idea what the zip ties were for...they were just wrapped around them holding absolutely nothing.

They came on mine, too. I figured they're there to keep those little feet from sliding off the end of the bar.

Bernie May
10-15-2009, 7:56 AM
Well golly gee that is pretty slick. went right out to the garage and gave it a try. I had always wondered why sometimes they were easy and other times I struggled.

Joe Ciccio
10-15-2009, 8:55 AM
Thank you Stan! I've always cursed my Jet clamps for not working smoothly. (Usually while I was panicking during a glue-up). Went out to the garage and they work great.

Guess I owe them an apology. :rolleyes:

Dave Sweeney
10-15-2009, 10:59 AM
I also had to run to the shop and try out mine. The one I picked to try was giving me trouble both opening and closing.:confused: Of course once I scraped off all the dried glue it worked perfectly. :D

Lance Norris
10-15-2009, 8:22 PM
Heres my trick for the Jet parallel clamps...


Stan Mitchell
10-15-2009, 10:49 PM
Okay . . . I get it. Stan Wiley is actually a sales rep for Jet! :D

All joking aside, I'm just glad to see someone around here is paying attention enough to figure out the immensely complicated contraption we call the bar clamp (and it wasn't me for sure).

AND . . . you've given me an excuse to buy a few more clamps.

Anthony Whitesell
10-16-2009, 7:50 AM

Did you pick up the 2-24"/2-40"/block set package from Rockler?

I was prcing it on the web and something doesn't add up to me. 2-24"@$35 ($70) and 2-40"@$48 ($96) and the block set @ $15 only comes to $181. Are those all the pieces in the $190 package set or is there more stuff in the set? Rockler's website is not particularily helpful on these items.

Stan Wiley
10-16-2009, 9:13 AM
I got the Jet cabinet clamp kits from Amazon, included were the 2- 24" and the 2- 40" clamps and the cross docs clamping blocks and the bench dogs (they screw into the bottom of the clamps and allow you to insert and secure the clamp to the bench a ¾” hole is required) for $146.99 per kit, plus state tax and free shipping! The other 40” clamps (I actually ordered them before I saw the sale at Amazon) I got from Rockler. Rockler was having a sale for $39.99 for the 40” clamp plus shipping and state tax.

Stan Wiley
10-16-2009, 9:33 AM
I too was wondering if the Bessy clamp extenders would work on the Jets. I'm glad you checked it out and showed us that by enlarging the hole in the end of the Jet clamp we can buy the Bessy extenders and use this important option for our Jet clamps! I wonder though if Jet comes out with their own option for doing extensions, if making the hole bigger will negate the Jets possible, future options? I guess it would not matter if you had already bought and installed the Bessy extenders. Unless, Jet does some kind of "one UpsManship" on the attachment to allow, some as yet unknown "just got to have", feature. Oh well ,I still like your idea! Thanks

Tom Veatch
10-16-2009, 2:20 PM
I too was wondering if the Bessy clamp extenders would work on the Jets. I'm glad you checked it out and showed us that by enlarging the hole in the end of the Jet clamp we can buy the Bessy extenders and use this important option for our Jet clamps! I wonder though if Jet comes out with their own option for doing extensions, if making the hole bigger will negate the Jets possible, future options? ...

The answer to this might be obvious to someone who owns the extenders, but since I don't: To keep from modifying the clamps, could you use bolts that match the size of the holes in the clamps? They would be undersized relative to the holes in the extenders, but that might not be a problem. If it were a problem, could the holes in the extenders be bushed to match the smaller bolts?

Stan Wiley
10-16-2009, 6:31 PM
I was pondering the same idea of the bushings rather then drill the holes bigger. I don't have any of the extenders, yet, so I can't really say. Another thought was to try and fabricate something from hardwood that might easily be formed to the shape of the clamp bar, with metal bushings or an inlayed piece of aluminum or 1/8" flat stock, for strength. When I checked on the cost of the extenders they were around $15.00 each so the cheap side of me is calling out for a homemade solution. :) But then again, by the "time I get round to it" ???

Vince Shriver
10-16-2009, 8:38 PM
Thanks, Stan. The little secret you shared is worth the price of admission here at the Creek. Those clamps have increased their usefulness 85% now that I can zip them up and down the bar.

Lance Norris
10-16-2009, 10:20 PM
The answer to this might be obvious to someone who owns the extenders, but since I don't: To keep from modifying the clamps, could you use bolts that match the size of the holes in the clamps? They would be undersized relative to the holes in the extenders, but that might not be a problem. If it were a problem, could the holes in the extenders be bushed to match the smaller bolts?

Yes Im sure you could use a bolt that fits the hole in the Jet. I didnt have any bolts that size and needed to use the longer reach of the clamps for a project I was building at the time, so I simply drilled a larger hole and used the bolts that come with the extender. You dont need to enlarge the hole very much and the metal of the bar isnt very hard. Its a pretty easy mod...

Stan Wiley
10-18-2009, 11:00 AM
John thanks for the correction, it is true you don't have to press the trigger to "close" the clamp, just lift up on the handle and it will move smoothly. This is good, less things to remember!

But, when "opening" the clamp you "must press and hold the trigger" and of course push the handle "down" to be able to move the clamp head towards the closed position.

I think this became an issue, for me at least, because when I saw the trigger I assumed that Jet had decided to be totally different from the Bessy etc. in that no handle movement was required, just trigger action, like on the smaller squeeze type Irwin quick clamps. I guess that is why I never bothered to try to move the clamp by using the handle (accept by accident). I was consentrating on that darn trigger! Add to this, the fact that I had never owned or used the Bessy style parr clamps before (I am updgrading from Pony pipe clamps) and that is why I was confused. Those of you already using the Bessy style, probably made the transition painlessly. Anyway if the posts helped even one person with this, it was worth the time to enter it. Thanks. ;)

Paul Johnstone
10-19-2009, 2:37 PM
I too was wondering if the Bessy clamp extenders would work on the Jets.

Yeah, I drilled out my Jets for this purpose too. I even had some unholy unions between Jet and Bessey clamps this past weekend.

It was great that he figured this out. Saved me from having to buy a few more Besseys for this huge glueup I had.