View Full Version : Stuff on WWII Blade?

Scott Hildenbrand
10-14-2009, 3:45 PM
Just checking.. Got my WWII in today and the teeth all have what looks like hot melt glue on them. Is this what it is? I was expecting it to just be oiled and wrapped.

Assuming I can just blue through a chunk of scrap to clean this off..

Q though.. What purpose does it serve?

Cary Falk
10-14-2009, 3:48 PM
It is a plastic/wax they dip the teeth in to protect them from getting knicked. Cut it with a utility knife and it peels right off. Router bits are wrapped it it also.

mike holden
10-14-2009, 3:48 PM
It is not really hot melt glue. It is there to protect the carbide from shocks during shipping. I slide a thin piece of metal along the blade and under the stuff to get it started, then tear the rest off by hand. Not sure if running it on the saw is a good way to get rid of it, never tried it. It is easy enough to remove by hand that I dont see an issue.

doug faist
10-14-2009, 3:50 PM
Scott - the goop on the blade protects it during shipping. If you pull carefully away from the center of the blade it all comes off in one big circle. If you just make a cut to clean it off, the stuff flies all over the place. DAHIKT :eek:

Have fun with your new blade.


Edit: Man, you've gotta be quick with posts or other folks will already have the answer.

Scott Hildenbrand
10-14-2009, 3:59 PM
LOL.. Yeah.. I figured I'd get at least 3 or 4 of the same answers in quick succession..

Ok.. Works for me.. Just didn't expect it since it was shipped in an enclosed heavy cardstock style envelope.. Guess they figure JUST incase it DOES go through the cardstock, it'd be extra protection..

Nice nice.

Cary Falk
10-14-2009, 4:03 PM
Just didn't expect it since it was shipped in an enclosed heavy cardstock style envelope...

Have you ever shipped anything? You are lucky it didn't come folded in half like a taco. But thanks to the coating, the teeth would be protected.:D

Eddie Darby
10-14-2009, 9:35 PM
I made 1 cross slice through the protective layer, and was able to peel it off, going in the opposite direction that the blade cuts, so I can use the stuff later if I decide to mail it back for sharpening.

Tom Walz
10-15-2009, 11:23 AM
It is actually a low temperature wax.