View Full Version : question about paint for steel ball bearings

Stephen Edwards
10-12-2009, 4:22 PM
I'm working on a project that will require some steel ball bearings (just the steel balls) painted in several different colors. My questions are:

1. Does anyone know of a source for the bearings (balls) that are already available in different colors?

2. What kind of paint can I use to paint the steel balls if I can't find a source for pre-painted ones.

Thanks for any info that you may be able to provide.

Jerry Bruette
10-12-2009, 7:59 PM

Don't know what diameter you're looking for but McMaster-Carr sells steel balls of different diameters.

I would think any good spray paint would work, if you can paint a sphere without a dead spot. I would also assume the paint will chip off if the balls are knocked together.
