View Full Version : Anyone have snow on their apple trees yet?

Mitchell Andrus
10-12-2009, 8:15 AM
...Just wondering what happens if we cross-link two recent threads.

Rich Engelhardt
10-12-2009, 8:35 AM
Some Jack Frost on the punkins, but no Suzy Snoflake on the trees - yet - but it's on it's way for sure.

Chuck Wintle
10-12-2009, 11:26 AM
Some Jack Frost on the punkins, but no Suzy Snoflake on the trees - yet - but it's on it's way for sure.

I was just wondering the best method to grow huge punkins. :)

Rich Engelhardt
10-13-2009, 8:17 AM

I was just wondering the best method to grow huge punkins.
Funny you should ask!
It's only 9 days to the big doin's in Circleville!

Big punkins and how to grow bigguns is a close guarded secret.

The biggest of the year is usually well over 1,000 pounds.

Punkin Show is a huge event in Circleville.

Dennis Peacock
10-13-2009, 9:36 AM
What's "snow"? :rolleyes: :D

Rich Stewart
10-13-2009, 1:38 PM
still wearin' T-shirts here.