View Full Version : Bowl drying rack

Dan Forman
10-12-2009, 3:58 AM
I was getting tired of moving bowls hither and yon as various spaces were needed, so I built this storage rack. And yes, due to the wide angle lens it looks rather cattywumpus, but is actually plum and square. :) I used some alder I had laying about, which I have learned that I don't care too much for, as it is quite soft, and often pretzels after ripping the relatively thin rails.




The shelves are from Lowes, closet storage dept, about $4.00 each, and are 48" wide by 12" deep. The rack is just shy of 5' high, and about 4' wide. The big space between the top two shelves is there because my air filter is that gray object immediately to the right of the rack, and I wanted to preserve air flow and not clutter up that space.

Observant folk will notice that I changed the orientation of the shelf lips between photos. As I was loading the bowls, it became obvious that having the lip pointing up instead of down would help keep bowls from plummeting to the floor when stacked more than one layer deep. Don't need any of that sort of thing going on.

The plan is to rotate the stock, start new roughouts on the bottom shelf, and gradually move them up as they dry, and the danger of cracking lessens. I will also put another shelf right on the floor so as to utilize that space too. I'm sure I'll have to make another one of these soon, maybe keep it upstairs, for bowls that are dry or nearly so, as I'm running out of room in the basement.


Jeff Nicol
10-12-2009, 8:26 AM
Dan, It looks as though you have tamed your rough turned bowls and made a nice rack in the process! It gives me some great ideas!


Barry ward
10-12-2009, 9:35 AM
Hey,nice setup.very organized

Steven DeMars
10-12-2009, 10:27 AM
I can't see the pictures . . .


Alan Tolchinsky
10-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Nice rack Dan. And I mean that in a nice way. :D Do you coat your bowls with something or just bag them?

Steve Schlumpf
10-12-2009, 10:35 AM
Nice idea! Looks like it will work very well for you! I have my shop full of shelves - some open like this - others are old bookshelves. Kinda like clamps - can never have enough!

Steve - Dan's photos are linked to on Photobucket. Your computer may have that site blocked.

Steven DeMars
10-12-2009, 10:37 AM
Thanks . . . makes sense, I'm at work . . . . they block everything . . .:mad:


Bernie Weishapl
10-12-2009, 11:07 AM
Great looking shelves Dan. Really nice setup. Can't have to many.

Norm Zax
10-12-2009, 11:46 AM
Dan like the idea. two comments:
1. Turn the racks back upside down. Its more elegant AND grips the shelves. Instead, add a strip in front and at the back about one inch high.
2. Lets not kid ourselves that huge bowls are coming our way soon. Add another shelf there at the top.

alex carey
10-12-2009, 1:01 PM
those like quite nice and look like they'll do the job nicely.

Dan Forman
10-12-2009, 4:55 PM
Thanks to all for the comments.

Alan---I've tried several approaches: DNA then bag or wrap, Anchor Seal end grain, lately just bagging for three or four weeks until critical period is over, then leaving out for another month or so. The latter method is recommended by Ernie Connover in his book "Turn A Bowl". I just started doing this, but haven't had any cracks in about half a dozen bowls now in the unwrapped state.

Norm---Agreed the shelves look better with lips down, but for now I'll let function trump form, so I can get back to some turning. :) I can always make changes later, as the shelves are not fastened down. And I will have to come up with something for bigger bowls, which are definitely in the cards.


Roger Alexander
10-12-2009, 5:08 PM
Dan I like what you have done. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea. Beats things laying around the shop floor.

Alan Tolchinsky
10-12-2009, 7:54 PM
Thanks Dan. I've tried the methods you have and like the bagging only method. You probably get cracked wood no matter what you do.

John Timberlake
10-12-2009, 8:37 PM
Great job. Lots of air movement for drying.

Eugene Wigley
10-12-2009, 9:51 PM
Dan, good looking shelves. I like the wire racks. Mine are all solid. I'll have to try that when I add more shelves.

Mike Peace
10-12-2009, 11:11 PM
I was tipped off by a friend who had a couple of wire racks on wheels that he picked up from supermarkets that were throwing them out. Drive around by the dumpster a few times and you will find one being discarded.