View Full Version : Spiney Thing, Kinda

Ernie Kuhn
09-22-2004, 3:15 AM
I cheated on the carving class and put this piece on the lathe first, to get the general dome-shaped profile. Then followed up with the actual carving. Its butternut with danish oil and wax finish. Enjoy

Gary Max
09-22-2004, 6:32 AM
That ain't cheating---it's just useing all the tools you can get your hands on. Or just being smart. Looks great should of got a A for workmanship.

Dick Parr
09-22-2004, 8:16 AM
Very nice Ernie.

Bob Hovde
09-22-2004, 8:47 AM
Very nice! - and it's a cribbage board, too! :)


Jim Becker
09-22-2004, 8:58 AM
That ain't cheating---it's just useing all the tools you can get your hands on.
I agree totally. In fact, we had a small discussion at our local AAW chapter meeting about the fact that turning and carving are becoming more and moer intertwined, especially at the "show" level. About a third of the sessions I attended at the AAW Symposium in Orlando in August were about carving to alter or enhance turnings.

Your piece is wonderful. Nice job!

Jason Tuinstra
09-22-2004, 10:38 AM
Ernie, any significance about the carving? I was just in New Zealand and it looks quite a bit like the native Maori (Maw-ri) carvings. I attached one of many exmaples below. Regardless, your work looks great.

Ernie Kuhn
09-23-2004, 1:02 AM
Thank you all,
Your comments are much appreciated. This was the first time I tried turning/carving butternut (white walnut). The carver my wife and I take lessons from carves primarily in the Northwest Native American style. Frequently, his own designs. We enjoy this art as well as the Southwest pottery from Ancoma Pueblo and more recently, Mata Ortiz/Casa Grande.
Jim, the combination of turning and carving is personified by Frank Sudol. Take a look at www.woodturner.org/gallery/growshar/ the last piece on the bottom, "All that is left" for an exquisite piece of his.
Jason, No particular significance, mostly a bear (so was the carving). My wife was in New Zealand last year for 10 days during the America's Cup heat races, won the trip from our parent company that sponsored a boat (Areva). She fell in love with the Maori art as well. I hope you enjoyed your visit as much as she did hers.
Again, thank you all for your kind comments.