View Full Version : Another SMC-er visit!

John Miliunas
09-21-2004, 11:36 PM
This afternoon, I had the pleasure and good fortune of playing host to one of our own premier scrollers...Terry Quiram! :) Now, I realize that Mr. Peshtigo will shoot me for saying this, but I can now honestly attest to the fact that there's, at least, one really GOOD guy outta' the bunch! :D Terry was basically passing through the neighborhood on business and took time out of his busy schedule to stop for a visit. Here's another guy with more talent in his little finger than I have in my whole being! :) We had a great visit and he gifted me with a nice stack of patterns, as well as a big junk of what a appears to be some type of translucent plastic. He showed me a pen he had turned from it. Really cool! In other words, he provided me with plenty of material to keep my busy for a while! :) The grandest gift of all was him sitting down at my scroll saw and giving me some wonderful instruction, pointers and tips! :D (Yes Terry, I already went and waxed the top!) Mind you, this guy is used to his high-end Eclipse, but even on my lowly Dewalt, he just made it look so easy! Fine, so he's got thousands of hours on the scroll saw under his belt, but still.... ;) Yup, a good time was had, albeit too short, as he had a business engagement to run off to. Terry, I very much appreciate your stopping by and I'm sure it will NOT be the last time our paths cross! Hopefully by then, I'll be able to "show off" that illusive 180 deg. flip! :) Oh, and here are a couple pics, to be sure I don't get busted by the Picture Police! :cool:

Jim Ketron
09-22-2004, 12:03 AM
Its always nice to meet other woodworkers!
what do you use to wax your tools?

Gary Max
09-22-2004, 6:45 AM
Good deal John ---Glad to see you got headed in the right direction.

larry merlau
09-22-2004, 7:32 AM
its your magnetic personalaty that draws them john, they probally think that no one could have that much humor,dense headed or bad luck as you have told us al and they are also probally sympathitic for you from having to deal with tyler so much. or maybe they like your beer? all in all it just your smile and all the help you offer others.. glad you had the chance.. wisconsin is better for havin you there :D

John Miliunas
09-22-2004, 7:54 AM
or maybe they like your beer? all in all it just your smile and all the help you offer others.. glad you had the chance.. wisconsin is better for havin you there :D

Funny you should mention that...With the recent "What's in your fridge" thread, most everyone knows I'm an MGD kind of guy. Turns out, Terry likes MGD, as well! :D BUT, just for this occasion, I stopped at one of our local supply houses and picked up a sixer of "Oktoberfest" edition of Madison's own, "Capitol Brewery"! A nice change, I must admit! :) :cool:

Dick Parr
09-22-2004, 8:03 AM
Glad to here ya getting some help. It's always great to get some help to get started.

Jim Becker
09-22-2004, 9:07 AM
Visits are indeed a wonderful thing...I'm glad you had time to spend with Terry. I can see from "afar" he's a very talented person we can all learn from!

Dennis Peacock
09-22-2004, 10:38 AM
Congrats on the visit John..!!!!! So-o-o-o-o, when you gettin' an Eclipse? It's next on my list of "gotta get". :eek: :D

BTW, Terry says that he has about 10,000 hours behind a scrollsaw and one look at his work....and you'll understand the talent in this guys hands. :D

Chris Padilla
09-22-2004, 10:52 AM
Terry seems to know his way around a lathe as well! :)

Mark J Bachler
09-22-2004, 12:27 PM
I love the cabinet door with the hammer on it!!

And the TV.


Kevin Gerstenecker
09-22-2004, 12:39 PM
Terry is a great guy....................it is because of Terry thinking of me when he upgraded lathes...........TWICE........ that I even began turning. I am lucky enough to live just a couple of hours away from Terry and Connie.........so I can go bug him anytime I want! :D By the way...........Terry has a GREAT shop too!

(I know I owe ya a shop tour Terry..................you KNOW you and Connie are welcome at our place anytime!) But, be warned.................my shop can't hold a candle to your nice setup! ;)

Russell Svenningsen
09-22-2004, 1:22 PM
Yea, John, that's great. Terry's great. Everybody's just GREAT.

BUT I have a bit of a problem with that PACKERS SIGN!!!!! Aargh............ :mad: ;)

By the by, what was the score of the Packers game(AT HOME) this weekend? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

Just kidding of course. Good to see such friendly folk here at SMC, even if some are P-P-P-P-(I can't even type it)P-ackers fans..........*gulp* ;)

Donnie Raines
09-22-2004, 1:42 PM
Remember....if you or anyone else happnes to travel through the Cincinnati area....feel free to give me a call. I have been lucky to meet a few thus far...but the more the better.

...oh yeah...and if you do come by...make room for a few chunks of this or that..... ;) :rolleyes: :cool:

John Miliunas
09-22-2004, 1:57 PM
Congrats on the visit John..!!!!! So-o-o-o-o, when you gettin' an Eclipse? It's next on my list of "gotta get". :eek: :D

BTW, Terry says that he has about 10,000 hours behind a scrollsaw and one look at his work....and you'll understand the talent in this guys hands. :D

"Eclipse"???!!! :eek: You're a riot, Dennis! I'll need to cut out a couple rubber duckie patterns properly before I upgrade to the likes of an Eclipse! :rolleyes:

In the whole realm of woodworking, I've come to believe that some folks are just born with certain talents, which lend themselves to the craft. For others, it's a lot of practice and acquiring the skills. In Terry's case, I believe it's a LOT of BOTH! :D :)

Joe Mioux
09-22-2004, 8:40 PM
What a nice visit. Terry looks right at home in the pics

Dale Thompson
09-22-2004, 10:07 PM
Hey Spring,
Do you need help with EVERYTHING?? :eek: I hope that SG has one of those "Visiting Nurses" programs so that you get an occasional bath and shave. :D If not, I'm sure that Tyler would be happy to come over and "burp" you after your second MGD. :)

Seriously, I'll bet that a session with Terry was a real great experience. On the other hand, I get really outraged when I see a person demonstrate their artistic talent! To date, PBS Oil Painter Programs have cost me eleven bricks and four TV sets. I don't have a real accurate arm but I've become quite adept at drywall repair. :D

Thanks to you and Terry for the pics! We'll talk about the DW488 when you order your Eclipse? ;)

Dale T.

John Miliunas
09-22-2004, 10:25 PM
Hey Spring,
Do you need help with EVERYTHING?? :eek: I hope that SG has one of those "Visiting Nurses" programs so that you get an occasional bath and shave. :D
Thanks to you and Terry for the pics! We'll talk about the DW488 when you order your Eclipse? ;)

Dale T.

Yes, I DO need help with everything! There is, however, a method to my madness: That way, I get to meet more SMC-ers, live and personal! :D And, I've seen some of those visiting nureses...Hubba, hubba! :D LOML will make sure that doesn't happen anytime in the near future! :)

When I order my Eclipse? Told you guys before: Not until after I master those rubber duckie patterns! In other words, you'll have a long, LONG wait! :cool:

Kent Cori
09-22-2004, 11:33 PM

I think your Packer picture needs a black ribbon put on it after the result of Sunday's game. Jeez, losing to da Bears on the Frozen Tundra after kicking their butts seven straight times! Who'd a thunk? :mad: :eek: :mad:

John Miliunas
09-23-2004, 7:55 AM
losing to da Bears on the Frozen Tundra Who'd a thunk? :mad: :eek: :mad:

That's being nice! :( They got their butts handed to them, by the end of the game! I'll give da Bears credit for playing a great game, as they executed key plays properly and made them count. I don't know who the heck was wearing the green and gold out there, though! :mad: But hey, it's still early in the season. Lots can happen. :) :cool: